"Walk This Way!"
Contributed by Rick Finitzer on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: After we are Born Again we have two ways we can live our lives. We can live for the flesh or we can yield daily and Walk by the Holy Spirit. Being led daily by the Holy Spirit is the way to the greatest happiness and joy (not trouble free) with Jesus.
Cornerstone Church January 3, 2016
“Walk This Way”
Galatians 5:16-25
“A boy from the country was going to the city to get a job. Before he left, his mother said, ‘Son, I want you to promise me that you will go to church on Sunday.’ So he promised, and went to the city. He worked the first week, became acquainted with some of the fellows there, and made some new friends. On the weekend his new friends invited him to go horseback riding with them on Sunday. He remembered his promise to his mother and he said, “Sorry, fellas, I can’t do it.’ But they continued to pressure him and after a while he agreed to go. Sunday morning came, and they began their horseback ride. Around 11:00, they rode into the city and as they were passing the church, bells announcing the services began to ring. Our boy could see his parents walking into their little church in the country. He remembered his promise to his mother but he just kept on riding. The bells grew fainter. When they got to the edge of town, the boy stopped and said, ‘Fellows, I come from a Christian family. My mother asked me to promise her I’d be in church today. I have noticed as we have been riding that the bells are getting fainter and fainter. If we ride anymore, I won’t be able to hear the bells. I’m going back while I can still hear them.’”
Jerry Vines, GOSPEL OF MARK, pg. 62
The boy made a wise decision!
Christmas Bells have faded and hopefully all the “angels got their wings!”
We rang in the New Year!
I considered speaking from Philippians 3.
The message would easily fit “forgetting what happened in 2015 and forging ahead with new vitality in 2016.”
Phil. 3:13b-14 NIV “…But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
There are important truths we cannot forget!
Like the Boy in the story we do not want to forget what in means to be saved and our being connected with Christ.
The Tuesday Men’s Bible Study has been going through The Book of Galatians.
* When I came to Galatians 5 a light bulb lit up!
* I gained a renewed insight as to why over the years I have observed individuals either drifting away from being connected to a local assembly of the Body of Christ (a church) or ruined their walk with Christ. They are caught in an undertow or riptide!
People make decisions for Christ.
* We want them to attend Church (which is good).
* Along the way people start to think Christianity is about coming to church to sing 4 -5 songs, hear a message (often from and through a very flawed person), apply that message and come back next week!
* Somewhere growth ceases:
o I go to a Christian School so I’m Safe!
o I’m attending a Christian College (I go to chapel every day) – I’m Safe!
o I’ve been walking with the LORD for 20, 30, and 40 years or more I don’t need to read my Bible any more – I’m Safe!
What did Jesus say to the woman caught in Adultery?
Did Jesus say, “You are forgiven; keep on living like you were or any way you like?”
“Go, and Sin no more”
I know there are problems with that text. But elsewhere in the Word of God Jesus tells others to Go and Sin no more!
Why? Because He is Holy!
Being Born Again (Born from Above) by God is just the beginning!
We call that Justification!
Once justified (declared righteous or not guilty) we grow in Christ which we call sanctification!
* Have been Sanctified (past tense: conversion, set free from sin’s power)
* Are being Sanctified (present tense: daily living, overcoming sin)
* Will be Sanctified (future tense: glorification, totally free from sin)
We are called daily to the battle!
We are called daily to take off our old garments (old nature) to pursue Christlikeness (new nature).
Galatians 5:16-18
But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not
carry out the desire of the flesh.
Gal. 5:16
Walk (Greek - peripateo) = “to walk around” “continuous daily walk”
Lifestyle - “To live one’s life by the Spirit”
Enoch walked with God (Genesis 5:24
Noah walked with God (Genesis 6:9)
The early disciples were called “Followers of the Way” (Acts 22:4, Acts 24:14)
This is also a command! It is a choice to daily walk by the Spirit!