
Summary: This is from a series I preached on Romans.

Title: Walk in Confidence, Not Condemnation Type: Expository

Script: Romans 8:31-39 Where: GNBC 1-13-08/RW 3-22-21

Intro: A little boy was heard talking to himself as he walked across the backyard, baseball cap in place, ball and bat in his hands. "I am the greatest hitter in the world," he said. He threw the ball up, swung and missed. "Strike one," he said. But again, he told himself, "I am the greatest hitter ever." He threw the ball up again, swung and missed. He looked at the ball, and at the bat, and said, "I’m the greatest hitter that ever lived." He threw the ball up again and swung and missed a third time. This time he said, " Strike three! Wow! He said, “I’m the greatest pitcher in the world!” Now, that little boy didn’t have a problem with confidence did he? Unfortunately, Christians often have a much lower opinion of self and more importantly, what Christ has done for them. Sometimes believer seriously struggle with feelings of condemnation from the enemy.

Prop: Exam. Rom. 8:35-39 we’ll ask 4 questions whose answers will give confidence to Xstians struggling with feelings of condemnation.

BG: 1. Paul wrote this letter to Xstians in Rome while he was in Corinth.

2. Above all else, the letter to Romans is an explanation of how God justifies a sinner.

3. The word “to justify” is used 14 x in Romans and 8x in Galatians. One of Paul’s favorite theol. Terms that should result in confidence for the Christian.

Prop: Exam. Rom. 8:35-39 we’ll ask 4 questions whose answers will give confidence to Xstians struggling with feelings of condemnation.

I. Who Can Bring a Charge Against You when God has Reconciled You? Vv31-33

A. PTL, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!

1. In this first verse Paul is asking Rhetorically who is it that can bring a charge of offense against a child of God?

a. The first verse sets the tone for the entire 8th chapter: “There is therefore, now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” And yet, even for Christians who know the truth, often times Satan brings up our past in the attempt to make us subject once again to condemnation. Maybe you’ve heard words of condemnation growing up or in your marriage and you think that is the norm in life. Well, it’s not.

b. Illust - A preacher of the early 1900s said that when he was 12 years old he had killed one of the family geese by throwing a stone and hitting it squarely on the head. Figuring his parents wouldn’t notice that one of the 24 birds was missing, he buried the dead fowl. But that evening his sister called him aside and said, “I saw what you did. If you don’t offer to do the dishes tonight, I’ll tell Mother.” The next morning she gave him the same warning. All that day and the next the frightened boy felt bound to do the dishes. The following morning, however, he surprised his sister by telling her it was her turn. When she quietly reminded him of what she could do, he replied, “I’ve already told Mother, and she has forgiven me. Now you do the dishes. I’m free!”

2. Paul reminds us that God is in fact for us!

a. Contemporary theology, using the term loosely, tries to make the cross of Christ the measure of our worth to God: “We were worth so much to God that He sent His Son to die for us.” This misses the point altogether. It turns the spotlight, the focus, from God to man. The cross of Calvary is not the measure of our worth; it is the measure of God’s love. That is what Paul wants us to see here. The cross imputes worth to sinners who receive the gift of salvation. The cross is not the evidence of our worth but the source of our worth. We are worthy because Christ died for us. Christ did not die for us because we were worthy.

b. There is no need to fear, your Heavenly Father desires only the best for His children even if they must go through trials to receive the best. Illust – One of the rights of passage in our home has been learning to ride a bike. Only one of the kids learned w/o Carol or me teaching them. For the others there have been various levels of difficulty and trials in learning the skill and balance needed to ride a bike. There have been many fears, there have been many falls, there have been many injured foliage and skinned knees, but now they all enjoy the pleasure of riding a bike. Was it pleasurable while learning? No! Now? Yes!

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