
Summary: Waiting on God is worth it. Psalm 27:14 "Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD.

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Let us pray!

Psalm 27:14

"Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD.

Our message this morning is Waiting on God. Waiting on God.

Are you ready.

I was reading last Saturday, I was reading up on some statistics and I found out something interesting about how impatient we have become as human beings. Did you know that there is such as thing as an impatience tolerance index? It's a measure of time before an individual losses their cool, before they become impatient or irritated. Can you guess how long it takes. Before someone gets impatient?

For those who think its 5 minutes, raise your hands? Alright, 10 minutes? No idea? Great. I also had no idea until I found out that it takes an average of 22 second before someone get impatient. Can you believe that? Just 22 seconds. And you're probably thinking, no not me. I'm patient. But observe. Don't you get impatient when your mobile phone data speed is so slow? Or when you're watching YouTube and it takes forever to load? Or when you'r watching netflix and the bar is stuck at 97%.

We are all guilty of this. Yes? Thank you for being honest. In actuality, as humans, we have been impatient since the fall of Adam and Eve. God himself demonstrated patience when HE created the universe in 6 days. I mean, He is God he could've just called the universe into existence with just the vapor of his breath, with just one word.

A. Why can't we wait?

We don’t like to wait, we don’t like to wait in traffic, waiting room, falling line. Technology has made us impatient. Microwave mentality.

Have you noticed that you often forget more now that ever before? And I'm not only talking about adults but children as well. Pre-teens. They forget faster now that ever before. This constant feeding of information, overload of information is overwhelming the mind and causes some of our synapses to fail. Chey and I did an experiment with our kids. Just asking them to stand up in a corner with no set time. It was just an instruction. And yes, they obey, they do it. BUT in less than thirty seconds. They already ask if they can now leave. Then I ask them to just be still, and be quiet. They go for it, but after a few seconds, they ask, how long dad. How long? Are we done yet? :) They're impatience, make me impatient too!

Three reasons we cant wait:

Microwave Minds

Instant Gratification

Fear of Missing Out.

Our inability to wait, to delay gratification is the cause of mounting personal debt, and marketing psychologist knows this all to well. So they take advantage! FOMO has become the new campaign. To feed on the fear of people of missing out, especially during this pandemic.

But waiting is part of a christian maturity, there are lessons, skills, that we can only learn when we wait and that's what I want to talk about this morning.

• So we’re going to touch on three divisions this morning:

i. Why should we wait? Why it's biblical. We're going to walk through the benefits of waiting as well.

ii. Why waiting is worth it. And we're going to look at some characters in the bible and how the waited on God.

iii. What do we do while waiting? As Christians, what are we supposed to do while waiting on God?

B. Why should we wait? Why it's biblical. We're going to walk through the benefits of waiting as well.

Iii. God is molding you while you're waiting

2 Corinthians 4:7-9 (NIV)

7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

Waiting is a test of faith, a test of character.

Waiting is a time of listening and learning and growing.

- In all our times of waiting, when God is molding us, it’s a time of listening to His instructions, learning about His attributes, His character. Learning more about you and your predispositions and growing in faith.

One preacher had this to say, that oftentimes when we are in the waiting room of life.

Christians do three things: we wonder, we worry and we whine. Not red whine? No I don't mean we drink, I mean we Whine or complain.

We wonder: Why Lord why? Why me Lord? Why not Pastor Shyan? He's Singaporean.

Then we Worry: How Lord, How? How are we going to do this?

Then we Whine or complain: When Lord, When are you going to answer my prayer?

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