Contributed by Daniel Chua on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: 3 Things happened to us when we lack vision and what can we do to recover it.
Mark 10:46-52
Bartimaeus was physically blind and that’s bad but listen to what blind Helen Keller said - ‘It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.’
That’s true for many believers. They received the Lord and are on their way to heaven, yet they are living life without any sense of vision and purpose. Proverbs 29:18 tells us that when there’s no vision, people perished.
We need to be like President George Bush who said ‘I am a person who looks long-term, and I recognize the path we need to take. There will be moments when people are unhappy and disgruntled with some decision-making. Nonetheless, what matters most is to reach the destination. And my job as President is to see clearly where I want to go and be steadfast in my resolve to realize that vision.’
May that be true for every gen-er!
3 things happen to us when we lack vision:
1. It will rob us of our blessings and leave us in a perpetual state of need.
Many Christians go through life having a ‘handout’ mentality. Like Bartimaeus, they live off the little that they receive from others. They constantly look to people to provide for their needs when the Lord’s will is that they may ‘prosper even as their souls prosper.’
God wants to bless us so we can be a blessing. He wants His children to walk in that abundance of grace.
2. It will keep us out of God’s plan and purpose and cause us to miss a move of God.
Bartimaeus was on the side of the road. His blindness has completely immobilized him. He went through the motions everyday but there is no movement. Life just passed him by.
God is on the move. We have to ride the wave of His Spirit. He has anointed us to act and given us the unction to function in His Kingdom.
3. It will prevent us from seeing Jesus and instead we see problems and limitations.
There are many reasons why we can’t grow the youth ministry and make a significant impact in the city. There are many limitations and that’s true, and yet nothing is impossible with God. There are many reasons why we can build a world-class, city-impacting, planet-shaking and life-changing youth ministry!
I’m so glad Bartimaeus was blind but not deaf and dumb. The key to vision is in hearing and hollering!
He did 3 things and got back his vision:
1. He chose to believe in the Jesus’ reputation as healer.
Faith pleases God and rewards the seeker.
2. He had a shout that got Jesus’ attention.
It was a shout of desperation. He recognized that he’s a sinner and cried out for mercy. When the crowd tried to silent him, he ignored them.
3. He pursued his miracle and went all the way.
By throwing away his cloak, he’s saying ‘I’m not going back to the same-old routine anymore. I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired – having to beg and live off the crumbs.’ He refused to be denied. It reminds me of the Indian family who sold all they had and came to Singapore seeking for a miracle in a Benny Hinn’s Crusade. They received it and it’s worth it!
Gen-ers, let’s all be people of vision!