
Summary: Most Christians want to experience overcoming power and triumph in every situation. How can we?

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I feel that most Christians want to experience “...overcoming power and triumph in each trying hour.” Victory over every circumstance.

This principle is taught throughout the Bible.

1. Potter and the clay, Jeremiah 18:1-10

a. In the hands of the potter, verse 6.

b. Made it again as seemed good to the potter, verse 4.

2. Taught in the life of Peter, Luke 22:31-34.

3. Taught in the life of Paul, Acts 27:21-25.

You find the key to this in these two passages of scriptures, Genesis 45:5-8; 50:20. The background is the story of Joseph, and how his brothers sold him into Egypt, for twenty years he has been there, and through a chain of accidents and coincidence he has been made Lord over al Egypt, second only to Pharaoh.

Great famine has come upon all the earth and the brothers of Joseph have travailed to buy food and grain from Egypt so they can live, and, in this passage, Joseph is revealing Himself to his brothers. It has been twenty years since they had seen him, and they did not know who he was. In verse 5, after he has revealed himself to them, they are afraid, Genesis 45:5-8; 50:20. Notice the two statements not you, but God, not evil but God.

Now in every person’s life there are circumstances over which we have no control, and it is these circumstances that give us our problems. We are forced to take medications. We are trapped and have to rely on our doctors. Suicides are increasing every year. It is those circumstances over which you have no control that follow you everywhere you go. If I had eyes to see that which is invisible tonight, I could see in the life of every believer a problem labeled circumstances over which I have no control. You have prayed about it, still you do not understand, no peace or victory. It may be something which you cannot get out of your mind. You are always thinking about it, and it is about to get you down.

I have lived for the past few years with Joseph, and I am thrilled at the story God has given to us in these verses of scripture over and over again these thoughts and sayings as Joseph meets his brothers. It is somewhat a mystery, these statements, Genesis 45:5-8; three times Joseph tells his brothers you did not bring me here, God did.

Look at the circumstances Joseph lived through sold by his brothers kicked out of his house and separated from his father. He was taken to a strange land. He was faithful to the house of Potiphar lied about form his wife placed in prison for two years. And no matter how dark the night Joseph never lost faith in God. I submit to you tonight, Joseph, a man who had victory over every circumstance and this is really very simple. The way to have victory is to remember:

I. It’s Not You But God

1. That is a declaration of faith in the overruling Providence of God.

2. Words overruling providence of God, very important.

3. Can we say that when things happen to us?

a. Somebody cheats or wrongs us.

b. Things not right in the home.

c. It looks like they are doing g this to me.

d. The facts tell us it was his brothers that did this, but Joseph is more qualified to speak than we are.

4. By overruling I mean, no matter what friends, the world, or the Devil does to us. They mean it to hurt, but God is able to overrule that and bring it to pass as good.

5. There is a difference between the words:

a. Predestination, Romans 8:28. One day we will stand in the presence of God just like Jesus.

b. Providence of God is working all things together for good.

6. The word Providence means:

a. Before

b. to see before, to see ahead, to see ahead to provide, to see ahead to take care of.

c. The Providence of God is this; God sees ahead, knows what is going to happen and knowing this he provides for me. Luke 12:20, Hebrews 11:40, 1 Timothy 5:8.

7. When I trust in the Providence of God it means I see my life in the hands of a mighty God.

8. There are two things that happen when I see the Providence of God:

a. the Providence of God brings about things in your life that are beyond your power to accomplish, good things.

1) Elevated in Egypt.

2) Protecting his family from the famine.

b. it will prevent things from happening beyond your power, bad things.

1) Potiphar’s wife

2) Prison

II. It Was Not for Evil but for Good

1. If you could stand before every circumstance in your life, before every evil, every unkind word, every sorrow, every difficulty and stand with faith and authority and no that God will use it for good.

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