
Summary: Understanding Sanctification

Value Life, Not Power | Luke 10: (1) 17-20



• Context: Jesus sent out 72 of his followers (2 by 2) into neighboring towns to spread the message of the gospel.

• Pray to the Lord of the Harvest – then Jesus sends them – when we respond to God’s call on our lives and GO – our own response is answering the prayers we sometimes ask. Sometimes we need to be the ANSWER to the prayers we pray, sometimes we need to the CHANGE we want to see in the world.

• Lambs among wolves and don’t take money or extra sandals – There is a danger involved. (Wolves eat lambs but lambs also outnumber wolves).

o Its not just about danger but also about having the right heart – don’t use your numbers to manipulate others. Don’t get caught up or concerned with little things. Don’t worry about who is going to provide for you. Trust God to be in control, to be provider.

[The Way of Jesus]

Why are you rejoicing?

• Satan’s fall – it was fast, quick. Where the gospel is preached, Satan’s power begins to crumble. (The gates of hell will not prevail against the church means that the church will win, the question is how much of an DENT are we going to put into Satan’s plans?)

• Don’t rejoice over the demons but your name is written in the book of life. In other words, maintain a humble spirit. Rejoice/be thankful MORE FOR what God has done for you than what YOU DO for God. If we become more thankful or focus more on what we do for God than what he has done for us, this can lead to self-centeredness and possibly pride.

• Value life – your name is written – refers to eternal life. What is eternal life?

• Consider Mark 2:1-12: The people rejoiced over the physical healing, not the forgiveness of sins!

John 17:3 – eternal life is knowing Jesus. Thus, in valuing life, Jesus is saying, above everything else, value the relationship you have with me.

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