
Summary: This is the 212th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 2nd sermon from Titus.

Series: Action [#212]


Titus 1:5-9


Last week, we learned about the very religious; but not Christian, Island of Crete. This large Island was a hot bed of the worship of Greek mythological gods. Paul had started many Congregations on the Island; and Titus was there to continue on. Paul challenged Titus to equip these many Congregations and make sure that they were doing what they were supposed to be doing.

As I was studying, I read a colloquialism that I have not heard in a long time. In fact, the original phrase is in Latin- "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes", which literally translates to "Who will guard the guards themselves," the modern version of which has become "Who watches the watchmen?" The phrase is sharing with us the idea that it can be hard to hold those in power accountable. Who will do it? That is the very thing Paul was telling Titus to do.

Titus 1:5

Serve God…

1. By following His calling.

There have been some who have said that Paul left Titus in Crete to do all of the things that he did not want to do; but it is God who does the calling, not us. Unlike most of Paul’s letters that were for Congregations and Communities; this letter was specifically for Titus.

There are several things that I want you to think about concerning God’s calling on your life.

* Be faithful in the small tasks.

God uses your faithfulness in the small things to prepare you for the bigger things. Each task that God gives you is important whether you think that it is or not.

* You need mentors and you need to be a mentor.

Discipleship is important. Allow God to lead in all of the relationships that He puts in your life. Some of those people are there for you to teach and guide, while others are there to teach and guide you.

* Trust in God’s equipping.

God equips those He calls. You may feel inadequate; but God’s strength is made perfect in your weakness.

* There is purpose in your assignments.

Your assignments are a part of God’s greater plan. Your role, no matter how small that it seems; contributes to the Body of Christ.

Titus 1:6-8

Serve God…

2. With integrity.

I realize that Paul is giving Titus qualifications for elders; but these characteristics are also necessary for people to have integrity.

An elder must be…

* Blameless.

* Faithful to his wife.

* A man whose children believe and behave.

* Hospitable.

* A man who loves what is good.

* Self-controlled.

* Upright.

* Holy.

* Disciplined.

An elder must not be…

* Overbearing.

* Quick tempered.

* Given to drunkenness.

* Violent.

* In pursuit of dishonest gain.

Titus 1:9

Serve God…

3. By holding firm to His Word.

Christians, you are to hold firm to God’s Word so that others are encouraged by sound doctrine; and to refute those who oppose sound doctrine.


Christians, do your job. Serve God in all that you do.

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