
Summary: This is the 213th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 3rd sermon from Titus.

Series: Action [#213]


Titus 1:10-16


Last weekend, Karen and I spent some time in the mountains where cellphone coverage was not very good. I appreciate Tharon taking care of the preaching, (although he preached the entire Book of Jonah in 25 minutes). While we were in the mountains, we were joined by 3 of our Grandchildren, (and Steven and Melanie). This morning, we are going to talk about being confrontational. Some of you are like Eli who is confrontational about everything. We heard Eli say often, “I’m hungry”; but whatever you offered him to eat was not anything he wanted. Everything with him was a battle. On the other hand, Kaycee tried very hard to avoid confrontations. Just like my Grandchildren, some of you avoid confrontations; while others of you welcome confrontation. The truth is, there are times when you should not be confrontational; but there are times when you should be confrontational.

In our text today, Paul addressed a serious issue that was taking place in the Churches on the Island of Crete; which is also a serious issue that the US is facing today- False teachers. Paul was telling Titus to confront these teachers and their destructive doctrines. This passage is also telling Christians now, to confront these false teachers and false doctrines.

Titus 1:10-11

Confront the dangerous…

1. Teachings of false teachers.

Paul gets right to the point- These false teachers are rebellious and full of meaningless talk. These were people claiming to be Christians; but they refused to submit to the authority of the God’s Word. They were saying a lot of things about nothing spiritually. On top of that was the fact that they were hurting entire families.

The enemy enjoys using false teachers to destroy family unity and the unity of the Church. These false teachers were doing it for dishonest gain- Motivated by greed and self-interest, not a love for God's people. God tells us here that we need to silence these false teachers. Now, do not use these words to mean that we do bodily harm to these false teachers; but that we cannot allow them the opportunity to spread these false teachings.

Titus 1:12-14

Confront the dangerous…

2. Characteristics of false teachers.

Verse 12 says it all. Even 1 of the false prophets in Crete said, “Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.” He didn’t just say that they were lying bullies; but he said that they were always these things. False teachers are always looking out for themselves. They will lie, cheat, and steal to get their way. They are lazy and are always trying to satisfy their physical needs over their spiritual needs. They spend their teaching time on myths and subjects that make people feel good about themselves instead of the truths of the Word of God.

Titus 1:15

Confront the dangerous…

3. Corruption of false teachers.

Their hearts and minds are corrupted, so even good things become twisted and impure. “Both their minds and consciences are corrupted.” Their ability to discern truth from error has been compromised.

Titus 1:16

Confront the dangerous…

4. Claims of false teachers.

Again, Paul is very direct and to the point- “They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him.” Their actions do not match up with their claims of faith. Their ungodly character and teachings render them useless for the work of the Kingdom of God.


The Church today must take this warning seriously and be on guard against those who would try to lead God's people astray with false and ungodly teachings. We are called to confront such teachers, expose their errors, and protect the flock of God. May we be a people who hold fast to the truth of the Gospel, and may our lives and doctrine be a faithful witness to the World.

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