
Summary: Be aware that we go through various cycles in our Christian walk.

Ups and downs

2 Corinthians 4:8 - We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;

Be aware that we go through various cycles in our Christian walk. There are times when we are strong and on fire for God, but there are also times when we are weak. This is not uncommon and there are a number of examples of great men and women of God in the Bible that experienced the same thing.

1) Moses had a very privileged childhood as a son in Pharaoh’s household. All that changed in a day and he found himself alone in the desert. But God was not finished with him even though he was already eighty years old. God prepared him all those years during the good times and the bad times to save a nation from destruction.

2) Elijah completed a powerful season of ministry when he faced off with the prophets of Baal and the wicked King Ahab. But soon after that, he found himself in the desert feeling very weak and alone. God changed Elijah’s ministry after Carmel and gave him a new assignment and that was to disciple and mentor Elisha. He did it quite grudgingly and was not a pleasant mentor. He probably did not understand that season of his ministry and became very despondent. Be careful that you do not become confused when things change in your Christian walk. It could be that God is using you in a different way from before. Be ready to accept a new Kingdom assignment that will please the King!

3) For many years, Joshua walked in the shadow of Moses and did not have the respect and loyalty of the people. This was his season of weakness, but that changed instantly when God anointed Him to take Israel into the Promised Land. The people’s attitude towards him changed and they followed him loyally.

This can happen in your life too. Perhaps you do not have many people that support your life’s dream, but that can change and God can use you to transform a nation with His Word!

If you believe what has been said about the coming events, you must believe that God has something mighty for you to do for Him. He can change your destiny in a day. Do not allow other people to discourage you or to write your obituary. Your best days are ahead of you. Be comfortable as things begin to change in your life and follow God.

Be mindful of these examples and make sure that your hope is always in the Lord. Without God’s anointing, we are weak and vulnerable. God allows us to go through different seasons where He uses us in a certain way and we must be ready for God to use us in a new way.

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