
Unveiling the Mystery of Resurrection

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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A Tomb Reveals Everything


In the popular comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, Calvin poses a profound question to his teacher: "What's the point of human existence?" While Calvin's motive may be comical, his question resonates with our deep longing to understand the purpose of our lives. Easter, with its celebration of the empty tomb, offers us God's ultimate answer to this question. It is a reminder that God has been revealing Himself throughout history, and the empty tomb is a powerful testament to His power and love.

God's Ultimate Power

The empty tomb of Jesus demonstrates God's ultimate power. It fulfills numerous prophecies about the coming Messiah, including His birth, death, burial, and resurrection. Some skeptics argue that Jesus wasn't really dead or that His disciples stole His body, but the evidence points to a resurrected Jesus. The tomb was sealed with a large stone and guarded by Roman soldiers, making it impossible for anyone to tamper with it. The testimony of eyewitnesses and the transformation of fearful disciples into courageous proclaimers of the risen Lord further confirm the reality of the resurrection.

God's Priority: People

Unlike the grand tombs of kings and nobles, Jesus' tomb was empty because His priority is people. Jesus Himself declared that He came to seek and save the lost. He demonstrated this by associating with the marginalized, healing the sick, and forgiving sinners. The empty tomb reminds us that every person has value in God's eyes, even when we see ourselves as flawed and insignificant. Just as a gem dealer recognized the true worth of a seemingly ordinary stone, God recognizes our true value as His beloved children.

God's Peace Beyond Circumstances

When Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurrection, His first words were "Peace be with you." This peace surpasses any earthly circumstances and speaks to the fullness of our lives. It frees us from the shame of our failures and the fear of the future. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus has borne the weight of our sins and offers us forgiveness and a future filled with hope. God created us not just for this temporary life but for eternity, where His peace reigns forever.

God's Presence Here and Now

Killing Jesus was like trying to destroy a dandelion by blowing on its seeds. Death could not hold Him who holds the world. The risen Christ is present among us, as close and intimate as our spirits allow His Spirit to be. His presence brings comfort, guidance, and strength in our daily lives. Just as Howard Carter discovered the hidden treasures in King Tut's tomb, we must not miss the presence of Jesus in our lives. He stands at the door of our hearts, knocking, waiting for us to invite Him in.


The message of Easter is profound and life-changing. The empty tomb speaks volumes about God's ultimate power, His priority for people, His peace beyond circumstances, and His presence here and now. As we celebrate Easter, let us not miss the significance of this event. Jesus' resurrection is not just a historical fact but a personal invitation to experience His forgiveness, fellowship, and abundant life. May we open our hearts to Him and embrace the message of Easter with joy and gratitude.

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