
Summary: This sermon is about how God sends His light of hope and love to those who are upright in heart when they face dark situations and trials in their life.













II Corinthians 4:6 John 1:9 John 12:46 Acts 10:1-6

Unto the upright there arises the light of Salvation in the darkness of sin. Cornelius was an upright man who lived in the darkness of ignorance of truth. But his prayers and alms reached God and an angel was sent to Cornelius to tell him to contact Peter to know the way of Salvation through Jesus Christ. To Cornelius there arose a light in the darkness.God reveals Himself to those who seek Him with their whole heart.The light of Jesus Christ shines in the hearts of sinners to convert them into salvation.


Psalms 119:130 Matthew 1:18-20 Matthew 14:23-27

Unto the upright there arises the light of clarity and understanding in the darkness of confusion and perplexity.In the New Testament Joseph an upright man was confused and perplexed when he learnt about the pregnancy of Mary.But God sent an Angel to Joseph to clarify the whole situation and help him to understand the mystery.There arose a light in the darkness for Joseph.The disciples of Jesus were sailing in a boat at night and were facing rough weather. And Jesus came to their rescue by walking on the water.But the disciples could not recognise Jesus and were terrified thinking it was a ghost.But Jesus immediately reassured them by revealing Himself. God reveals the truth to the upright when they are confused and perplexed by imaginary fears.


Psalms 119:105 John 12 :35 John 21:3-6

Unto the upright there arises the light of counsel and guidance in the darkness of doubt and indecision.The word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path when we walk surrounded by darkness .The light of God shows us the way to walk and the direction to go. The disciples of Jesus went fishing.But after fishing all night they caught nothing. In the morning Jesus appeared on the shore and gave them counsel to cast the net on the right side of the boat and immediately they caught an abundance of fish.God gives the light of His counsel and guidance to the upright when they face the darkness of doubt and failure.


Psalm 30:5 Psalm 97:11 John 20:19-20

Unto the upright there arises the light of cheer and gladness in the darkness of sorrow and tears.Weeping may endure for a night but Joy comes in the morning. The disciples of Jesus were in fear and sorrow after His crucifixion.But Jesus appeared to them in a closed room after His resurrection. Then the disciples were filled with joy when they saw the Lord Jesus Christ. God gives the light of His Joy and gladness to the upright when they face the darkness of tears and sorrow.


Isaiah 9:2 Psalm 36:9 II Kings 6:15-17

Unto the upright there arises the light of confidence and hope in the darkness of fear and danger and hopelessness. The servant of Elisha woke up in the morning to see the vast host of the Syrian army surrounding them.It appeared a hopeless situation to him as they were totally outnumbered.But Elisha prayed that God should open the eyes of the servant.And Behold the servant could see the vast armies of God surrounding them with chariots of fire.God gives the light of His hope and confidence to the upright when they face hopeless situations.


Isaiah 60:1-2 Job 29:3 Matthew 26:69-75 Acts 2:14

Unto the upright there arises the light of courage and action in the darkness of fear and inaction. Peter denied the Lord Jesus three times but it was not a preplanned and deliberate act like that of Judas.Peter failed momentarily because of fear.But the same Peter was empowered and emboldened on the day of Pentecost to witness for Jesus. The light of courage arose for Peter in the darkness of fear and enabled Him to shine for God.God gives the light of His courage to the upright to shine boldly for Him even in the midst of dark situations.


Romans 13:12 Ephesians 5:8 Matthew 5:6

Unto the upright there arises the light of cleansing and purification in the darkness of sin and uncleaness.God promises to satisfy the longing of those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. He gives the light of His holiness to shine in the hearts of the upright who sincerely desire to live in holiness and righteousness.

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