Unto The End Of Life
Contributed by Arsenio B. Segismundo on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon exhorts believers to continue believing in Christ even to the end of one’s life. As God would never let go of us, we should not let go of God.Let us continue trusting in Him in good times and in bad times.
Topic: Unto the end of Life
Text: Rev. 2;8-11
By Ptr. Jack Segismundo
Jesus is Lord Church
To the Church in Smyrna
Rev.2:8 “To the angel of the church in Smyrna write the following:
“This is the solemn pronouncement of the one who is the first and the last, the one who was dead, but came to life: 2:9 ‘I know the distress you are suffering and your poverty (but you are rich). I also know the slander against you by those who call themselves Jews and really are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 2:10 Do not be afraid of the things you are about to suffer. The devil is about to have some of you thrown into prison so you may be tested, and you will experience suffering for ten days. Remain faithful even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown that is life itself. 2:11 The one who has an ear had better hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who conquers will in no way be harmed by the second death.’
I would like to start this sermon by one particular illustration. A Christian railroad engineer was speaking to a group of fellow workers about heaven. He said, “I can’t begin to tell you what the Lord Jesus means to me. In Him I have a hope that is very precious. Let me explain.
Many years ago as each night I neared the end of my run, I would always let out a long blast with the whistle just as I’d come around the last curve. Then I’d look up at the familiar little cottage on top of the hill. My mother and father would be standing in the doorway waving to me. After I had passed, they’d go back inside and say, ‘Thank God, Benny is home safe again tonight.’ Well, they are gone now, and no one is there to welcome me. But someday when I have finished my ‘earthly run’ and I draw near to heaven’s gate, I believe I’ll see my precious mother and dad waiting there for me. And the one will turn to the other and say, ‘Thank God, Benny is home safe at last.’”- Source unknown
One of the worst thing we hate about is the end of every story. As we watch the television or even watch a movie we are always hopeful that there would still be more of the story. But there is always the ending. As every book has its end so as the life of everyone who has ever live on the face of the earth has its end.
To the most that we wanted to hold on to everybody whom we have cherish a lot, they were now gone. But that’s the reality of life. We cannot set aside it or forget it doesn’t exist. But as life is as real as we could see it so as death which dawn to each men.
Life has its end here on the face of the world. But there are those who end their life miserably and there are those who end their life joyfully. And here is where the christians are different from every people in the world. They all die joyfully because there is hope.
How you see your afterlife today, will determine the kind of lifestyle you live on this present days.A man without a hope of a better tomorrow lives a life of misery while a man who lives with his finest hope lives joyfully. There would always be good ending of life and bad ones. But to every christian, we all die with great hope.
I would like to share to you the truths of what we have read today in Rev.2:8-11:
I. The One who made the promise is true.
Every promise has its parameters, a set of boundery to the recepients.
John 3:16 For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
A. It is God gave the promise –
“God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?
Numbers 23:18-20
B. The Promise was intended only for those who believe in Christ
“But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”
John 20:30-31
C. The promise was a lasting, eternal life
“For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day."