
Summary: A friend asked, “Ronald, I have never seen you do Evangelism why?” Then I answered, “How can I preach a Jesus whom I can’t demonstrate?

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One of the miss conceptions I have seen in these our days is the urge of men to do Kingdom works with the enlightenment from their minds. Just because it is written, “Go ye into the world and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19-20)” doesn’t mean that anyone who reads it should straight away match to the mission field.

The world isn’t a place for free men, it is a place for men under the darkness of this age. And you can’t break into a strong man’s house except you be strong to bind him (Mark 3:27). These are people who are putting a shame onto Christianity. Men with vain words who step out to go to Egypt

He added, you are a great teacher of the word, if you could share these revelations with people, you would surely win them to the Kingdom. And I added, “My time hasn’t yet come.” Knowing mysteries isn’t an endorsement for me to go to the mission field for it is by the wisdom inborn that I know the mysteries I speak. I labor not to understand these things, I just get to know that I actually know them. I speak out the mysteries of Eternity that God put in my spirit before the foundation of the earth. But I can’t base on such to journey to Egypt for souls. Egypt is a system. It is that which comes that aids the ministration of a man, power hasn’t yet come.

What would have made Jesus wait for the fullness of time to speak, is it because he didn’t know the word that He had to wait to be taught of the Holy Ghost? Not even, He was a custodian of the heavenly mysteries, in fact at the age of twelve, He was found in the temple expounding the word to the religious teachers and all who heard him were amazed at his understanding and His answers. (Luke 2:46-50)

Now, Jesus wasn’t expounding the word to the world, but to religious leaders, these are men who are not in total darkness but men who have known light yet they are not fully endued with it, that’s why the capacity to align with His teachings may not be a guarantee but the amazement at the words He speaks was documented. And this is the same thing, I share lots of mysteries that leaves many in amazement and contemplations, not that all have understood, because am speaking out of eternity. There are secrets I know that I long the body of Christ to draw close to them but my longing profits nothing, it is power that draws men. And that power is confined in the unction for ministry which hasn’t yet come. I have written many messages out of eternity which are rivers of life-giving water, but how can they flow yet the source isn’t filled to overflow?

Something happened after Jesus got filled with power, for when the Holy Spirit descended on Him, it was an introduction to the world, for God Himself introduced Him.

It is written, “Then Jesus returned to Galilee, filled with the Holy Spirit’s power and reports about Him spread quickly through the whole region.” (Luke 4:14)

It is like a new employee of a great company introducing himself to the employee fraternity that am the manager. Who do you think will believe him though he be equipped with excellent speech and understanding of the business dynamics? This is the mistake that many have made, for though you have received a word from the top managing board of the company, wait for the introduction. It’s such that comes with power for your office. And once you are introduced, all workers shall do according to your word for your word ceases to be alone but any time you speak, a manager is speaking.

It is easy to say onto some one that “Jesus loves you and died for you” but there is something sweet about operating in your season, operating after the Father has introduced you, “This is my son, hear ye him” (Luke 9:35). Those are the times that you open your mouth and say onto people “Jesus is Lord” and because you are filled to be a blessing, those words come out with power, and they become a real burden in people’s hearts, drawing them to their Savior

We have taken the Kingdom to be as something so light that anyone who thinks he knows something believes by knowing such, he has capacity to go to Egypt to liberate the children of God from the bondage of Pharaoh. When Moses was being sent, he didn’t appear with the word alone before Pharaoh, he appeared with a sign. (Deut 26:8-10)

We can demonstrate Jesus through our ways, talks and love to everyone, but when it comes to liberating the children of Israel from Egypt, such yields nothing. It requires a compelling power that not only convict men of their nature but also breaks walls of darkness. (Rom 1:16)

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