
Summary: We serve a God who is not only big but powerful, and responsive to our prayers.

Scripture Focus: Acts 4:29-31


• Open with the story of the early church facing persecution (Acts 4).

o The Threat: Peter and John had just been released after being arrested for healing the lame man and proclaiming Jesus.

o The religious leaders commanded them not to speak in Jesus’ name, but their response was one of unwavering boldness (Acts 4:18-20).

• Describe the scene of the believers coming together to pray after Peter and John were threatened for preaching Jesus. (Acts 3-4)

o The Gathering: The apostles returned to their community, and instead of shrinking back in fear, they led the believers in prayer.

o This context reveals the power of unity and the practice of immediately turning to God in the face of difficulty

• Transition into the theme of the sermon: "We serve a God who is not only big but, powerful, and responsive to our prayers."

I. The Boldness of the Apostles (Verse 29)

A. Prayer for Boldness

1. The believers prayed, "Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness" (v. 29).

2. They did not pray for the removal of threats but for courage to fulfill their mission.

o Key Point: Trusting in a "Big God" means we’re not defined by fear, but by our reliance on His strength during challenges.

B. Application

1. Modern believers face different “threats” (social rejection, fear of failure, self-doubt).

2. As believers today we should pray for boldness to live and speak God’s truth, even in hard circumstances.

II. The Power of God at Work in our Lives (Verse 30)

A. The Confidence in God's Plan

1. The early Christians prayer recognized God's control over all things, asking Him to “stretch out his hand” with signs and wonders (v. 30).

2. Their confidence came from understanding that nothing surprises or intimidates God. He holds all their moments in His hands.

B. The Role of the Holy Spirit (Verse 31)

1. God's Response to Their Prayer

“The place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly” (v. 31).

• The shaking of the room was a reminder of God's powerful presence.

• Without their obedience there would have been no “shaking!”

• The filling of the Holy Spirit gave them the strength to do what they prayed for.

C. God Moves, Empowers, and Equips

1. God doesn’t just hear prayers—He moves, He empowers, and He equips us for His Kingdom work.

2. As Christians we should seek the Holy Spirit daily for renewal and empowerment, trusting that God will provide all we need to serve Him courageously.

D. Application

1. When we face trials, we must remember the greatness of God – He sees the beginning and the end, and His purposes cannot fail.

“A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.” (Pro 16:9)

2. Rest in the promises of God, seeking His intervention by faith.

III. The Impact of Divine Intervention

A. Boldness Transforms Lives

1. After the Apostles' bold proclamation, the early church grew rapidly, even in the face of persecution (Acts 4:4, Acts 5:14).

2. God's intervention and their response of obedience changed their communities and brought glory to His name.

B. Application

1. As Christians let us consider how our own boldness in prayer and faith can transform our families, workplaces, and communities.

2. Remember, we serve a God who delights in exceeding expectations—His scope is always greater than ours.

Yes But How?

1. Trust in God’s Greatness

• Reflect daily on God’s power and might through Scripture and worship.

• Memorize verses that affirm His power and His care (e.g., Isaiah 41:10 or Ephesians 3:20).

2. Pray with Confidence

• Approach prayer as an opportunity to align with God’s will and step into His strength.

• Don’t limit prayers to personal comfort—ask for boldness, wisdom, and opportunities to make an impact.

3. Rely on the Holy Spirit

• Cultivate a habit of listening to the Spirit’s guidance and acting in obedience, even when it feels risky.

• Trust that the Spirit equips us with what we need when we step out in faith.


• Remind believers that we truly serve a “Big God” who sees us, loves us, and answers us.

• Close in prayer, inviting the congregation to ask for boldness in their lives and to trust God’s Spirit to guide them forward.

• End with the assurance that when we rely on the greatness of God, nothing is impossible for those who believe.

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