
Unlocking the Power: Lessons from Elisha

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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To experience the fullness of God's power and blessings, we can look to the example of Elisha. His story teaches us how to unlock a double portion of God's anointing.


The news had spread throughout the land that Elijah, the great prophet of God, was about to be taken away in a whirlwind. Elisha, his devoted student, was determined to receive a double portion of God's spirit and anointing. He was willing to pay the price and follow Elijah until the very end.

Scripture Passage

2 Kings 2:1-11 (NIV)

Elisha's Commitment

Elijah invited Elisha to accompany him to Bethel, a place of seeking God's counsel. Elisha wholeheartedly agreed, showing his unwavering commitment to follow God's will. Despite the discouragement from others, he remained steadfast in his pursuit of God's best.

The Sons of the Prophets' Doubts

The sons of the prophets at Bethel questioned Elisha's decision to follow Elijah, suggesting that Elijah's time as a prophet was coming to an end. However, Elisha confidently affirmed his knowledge of Elijah's departure and urged them to remain silent.

The Temptation of Jericho

Elijah then urged Elisha to stay in Jericho, a place of comfort and pleasure. Many prophets had settled there, content with their current level of commitment. But Elisha refused to be swayed by the allure of comfort and chose to continue on the journey.

The Few Who Followed

As they approached the Jordan River, only fifty men from the sons of the prophets accompanied them from afar. These men were mere spectators, while Elisha and Elijah stood at the river's edge.

Crossing the Jordan

Elijah took his mantle, struck the waters of the Jordan, and they miraculously parted, allowing both him and Elisha to cross on dry ground. This act symbolized the need for Elisha to die to his old desires and fully surrender to God's will.

Elisha's Request

Before Elijah's departure, he offered Elisha a chance to ask for anything. Elisha humbly requested a double portion of Elijah's spirit. Elijah acknowledged the difficulty of this request but promised that if Elisha witnessed his departure, his request would be granted.

The Chariot of Fire

As they continued their conversation, a chariot of fire with horses of fire appeared, separating Elijah and Elisha. Elijah was taken up into heaven by a whirlwind, leaving Elisha behind.


Elisha's unwavering commitment and faithfulness allowed him to receive the double portion he desired. He had chosen the path less traveled, forsaking comfort and popularity for a deeper walk with God. Similarly, as Christians, we must be willing to step out of our comfort zones and persevere in our pursuit of God's best. By keeping our eyes on Jesus and eagerly awaiting His return, we can experience the fullness of His Spirit and power in our lives.

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