
Unlocking Supernatural Abilities with God's Anointing

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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God's anointing empowers us to transcend our natural abilities and perform supernatural feats. To advance in life and ministry, we need a continuous flow of fresh anointing from the Holy Spirit.


According to the Bible, every believer who is born again and filled with the Holy Spirit has the anointing of God in their life. However, it is our responsibility to cultivate and increase this anointing. Some individuals walk in a greater level of anointing than others, and this is determined by their personal relationship with God.

Receiving the Anointing

The anointing can be received through various means. One way is through the Holy Communion, where the wine represents the anointing. Another way is through the anointing oil, which is applied to the head. Both of these practices symbolize the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Additionally, when we are filled with the Holy Spirit and experience the baptism of the Holy Spirit, we receive a fresh anointing. This anointing empowers us to fulfill God's purposes, particularly in winning souls for His kingdom.

Releasing the Anointing

The anointing operates at different levels or degrees. Some individuals operate at a lower level, while others walk in a stronger anointing. The level of anointing is determined by one's proximity to God's presence and their alignment with apostolic and prophetic ministries.

God has appointed apostles and prophets to equip and empower the church. By embracing their leadership and teachings, we can tap into a higher level of anointing. This restoration of apostolic and prophetic ministries in our time will release a greater measure of God's anointing than ever before.

Resisting the Anointing

Our relationship with God must be maintained in order to keep the flow of His anointing in our lives. Sin and ungodly living can hinder this flow and grieve the Holy Spirit. We must avoid giving place to the devil and instead nourish our minds with spiritual things.

Idleness and neglecting the study of God's Word can also hinder the anointing. It is crucial to build our character in the school of the Holy Spirit, as both character and anointing are essential for effective service.

Responding to the Anointing

Walking in the fresh anointing brings several blessings. Firstly, it promotes us and raises us up to fulfill our God-given purpose. Secondly, it gives us insight and discernment to perceive spiritual truths and distinguish between genuine and counterfeit teachings.

Furthermore, the fresh anointing makes us productive in bearing fruit for God's kingdom. It enables us to flourish and remain fruitful even in old age. Lastly, it compels us to proclaim the righteousness of God and declare His goodness to others.


The power of God's anointing is available to every believer. By actively seeking and cultivating this anointing, we can experience a greater level of God's presence and power in our lives. Let us embrace the anointing, release it through our actions, resist anything that hinders it, and respond to its blessings with gratitude and proclamation. May we walk in the fullness of God's anointing and fulfill His purposes for our lives.

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