
Unleashing Your Inner Strength: The Threefold Blessings

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
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The threefold blessings of Leper, Priest, and King are available to all Christians today. These blessings represent the anointings that empower us to overcome challenges, serve faithfully, and reign in life.


Wouldn't it be amazing to have a stronger Christian faith? To witness miracles, lead people to Christ, cast out demons, heal the sick, and experience the power of effective prayer? Well, all of this is possible through the anointing from God. In the Bible, we find three anointings: the anointing of the leper, the priestly anointing, and the kingly anointing. These anointings are not limited to biblical times but are available to all Christians today.

I. The Anointing of the Leper

In the book of Leviticus, we learn about the anointing of the leper. Leprosy symbolizes sin and its destructive power. Just as leprosy destroys the physical body, sin destroys our spirits. The anointing of the leper represents the work of the Holy Spirit in redeeming us from sin and cleansing us. Through this anointing, we receive spiritual authority and empowerment.

II. The Priestly Anointing

The priestly anointing is described in the book of Exodus. This anointing represents our sanctification and consecration to God. It breaks the power of sin in our lives and enables us to live holy and righteous lives. The Holy Spirit works in us to make us more like Christ and empowers us to serve God and others.

III. The Kingly Anointing

The kingly anointing is illustrated through the anointing of King David in the Old Testament. This anointing signifies power and authority. Jesus spoke of this anointing to His disciples, promising them power through the Holy Spirit. As Christians, we are called to exercise this authority in spiritual warfare, preaching the gospel, and demonstrating God's power through signs and wonders.

David's Three Anointings

David's life provides a clear example of these three anointings. His first anointing as a young man marked his call to be king. He experienced victories, served as an armor-bearer, and displayed great strength. However, he also faced challenges and had to navigate the applause of people.

David's second anointing represented his sanctification and preparation for kingship. During this time, he endured trials and tests, but he remained faithful to God. He learned important lessons about leadership and experienced victories over his enemies.

Finally, David's third anointing marked his official reign as king over all Israel. He united the divided kingdom, subdued his enemies, and brought the ark of God back to its resting place. This anointing represented his faithful obedience to God.

Practical Application

We must understand the importance of staying within the boundaries of our anointing. Some people fail to function in their anointing, doing less than what they are called to do. Others try to go beyond their anointing, attempting tasks they are not equipped for. We must seek God's guidance and operate within the anointing He has given us.


The three anointings in the Bible - the anointing of the leper, the priestly anointing, and the kingly anointing - are available to all Christians today. Through these anointings, we receive spiritual authority, empowerment, and the ability to fulfill our calling. Let us seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit in our lives, so that we may witness God's power and bring glory to His name.

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