
Unleashing Your Inner Healing Power

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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Activating the healing power of God within you


Activating God's Healing Power Within You


1) "Near the Sheep Gate in Jerusalem, there was a pool called Bethesda (which means 'house of mercy'). It was surrounded by a multitude of sick people—blind, lame, and paralyzed." - John 5:2


In Jerusalem, a place known for peace and blessings, there were many people suffering. Despite being near a pool called "house of mercy," they remained sick, blind, lame, and paralyzed. This situation reflects the lives of many who claim to believe in Jesus. They have the potential for greatness but remain stuck in their circumstances.


2) "These people were waiting for the water to be stirred. For it was believed that an angel would come down and stir the waters. The first person to enter the pool after the stirring would be healed." - John 5:3


These individuals were waiting for a miraculous event to occur. They believed that when the water was stirred by an angel, whoever entered first would be healed. Many of us today are also waiting for something external to bring about change in our lives. We wait for emotional experiences, signs from God, or the actions of others to rescue us from our situations.

Question: What are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for? Waiting alone will not solve your problems.


3) "Jesus saw a man who had been disabled for 38 years lying by the pool. He asked him, 'Do you want to get well?'" - John 5:5-6


Jesus asked this question because he was surprised to see the man still waiting by the pool. Jesus knew the man had the potential to take action and didn't need to rely on external circumstances. Jesus wonders why we continue to wait for him to solve our problems when he has already provided the solution through his sacrifice on the cross.

Jesus is asking you today: Do you truly want to be healed? Do you want to overcome poverty, find a better job, or take control of your life? Jesus wants to know if you are ready to make a move.


4) Jesus singled out this man from the crowd and spoke to him directly.


Jesus didn't address the entire group; he focused on one person at a time. He is doing the same with you today. Jesus wants a personal response from you. Are you hiding in a group, using others as an excuse for your lack of progress? Jesus wants to know if you truly desire change.


5) The man responded, "Sir, I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get there, someone else always gets in before me."


The man blamed others for his inability to reach the healing waters. He shifted responsibility onto those around him instead of taking action himself. Many of us also blame others for our lack of progress. We make excuses and divert attention from our own laziness and lack of discipline.

Who are you blaming today? What excuses are you making for your lack of progress?


6) Jesus said to him, "Get up, pick up your mat, and walk." Immediately, the man was healed, picked up his mat, and walked.


Jesus didn't perform a traditional healing ritual or pray for the man. Instead, he spoke directly to the potential within him. Jesus made the man aware of the power he possessed and instructed him to take action. The man's healing was not solely performed by Jesus but by his own willingness to act.

Jesus has already done everything necessary for our healing and empowerment. He is waiting for us to do our part. We have been given the authority to drive out demons, speak in tongues, and lay hands on the sick. It is time for us to demonstrate God's miracle power by taking action.


7) Jesus asked the man to pick up his mat, which symbolized his comfort zone and excuses. The man obeyed, and his healing was immediate.


The mat represents whatever keeps us comfortable in our current bad situation. It symbolizes our handicaps, shame, and excuses. Jesus is telling us to let go of these things and take action. He wants us to realize our potential and manifest the greatness of God within us.

It is time to stop wallowing in self-pity and start doing something about our lives. We have more strength and ability than we realize. Nothing is impossible for those who believe. The whole creation eagerly awaits the manifestation of God's children.


In conclusion, we must activate the healing power of God within us by taking action. We should not wait for external circumstances or blame others for our lack of progress. Jesus is asking us today if we truly want to be well. It is time to pick up our mat, step out of our comfort zones, and walk in the power and authority given to us by God.

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