
Unleashing the Power of Faith

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
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Whether it's deep-rooted habits in your life that refuse to move, or mountain-like problems that you're facing that you cannot overcome, or a challenge so great like planting something where there is no soil, God says, your faith is enough to solve those problems.


Today, we will focus on a prayer made by the disciples that had a profound impact on their lives and ministry. In Luke 17:5, the disciples asked Jesus, "Increase our faith!" This simple prayer holds great significance as it reveals the disciples' desire for a stronger faith to accomplish the impossible. Jesus responds by assuring them that even a small amount of faith can move mountains and uproot deep-rooted problems. Let us explore four reasons why increasing our faith is essential in our lives.

Fulfilling Your Calling

Each of us has a unique purpose and calling in life. To fulfill this calling, we need faith. Just as God called Paul, who had a strong Jewish background, to minister predominantly to Gentiles, He may call us to step out of our comfort zones. Our faith enables us to trust God's plan and overcome any obstacles that may hinder us from fulfilling our high calling.

Experiencing God's Miracles

We all desire to witness God's miraculous works in our lives. However, without faith, it is impossible to experience these miracles. In Matthew 13:58, we learn that Jesus did not perform many miracles in certain places due to the people's lack of faith. The Israelites in the wilderness also doubted God's provision, hindering them from experiencing His miraculous intervention. Therefore, we need faith to see beyond our limited vision and trust that God can do the impossible.

Pleasing God

Faith is essential for pleasing God. Hebrews 11:6 states that without faith, it is impossible to please Him. Jesus consistently honored and commended those who demonstrated great faith. In Matthew 15:28, Jesus praised a Canaanite woman for her unwavering faith, which led to her daughter's healing. Our faith demonstrates our trust in God and His promises, bringing pleasure to His heart.

Faith Producing Works

Faith and works go hand in hand in the Christian life. James 2:14-17 emphasizes that faith without works is dead. Our faith should produce action and good works. The Thessalonians were commended for their "work of faith," which demonstrated their active and fruitful faith. Similarly, heroes of faith like Abraham, Elijah, and Nehemiah displayed their faith through their actions. Our faith should motivate us to serve and make a difference in the lives of others.


Increasing our faith is crucial for fulfilling our calling, experiencing God's miracles, pleasing Him, and producing good works. Faith is not just a belief in God; it is a trust that leads to action. Let us ask God to increase our faith so that we may witness His mighty works in our lives and bring glory to His name. With increased faith, we can overcome any obstacles and accomplish the impossible through God's power.

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