
Unleashing Our Inner Strength

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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I am convinced that the devil's greatest fear is that the church will get a revelation of the power that we already have, and that we will start acting like who God says we are.


I believe that the devil is most afraid of the church realizing the power we already possess and starting to act in accordance with who God says we are. Let's read Acts 2:1-4: "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them." Something significant happened on the day of Pentecost in that upper room. Not one person was left out. Every individual received their own personal encounter with the Holy Spirit. Jesus knew that the early church needed supernatural power, and that the Holy Spirit was the source of that power. This truth has not changed. We need power from on high.

The Power of the Holy Spirit

The devil is wreaking havoc, and many in the church are unaware or ineffective in their response. They stumble around without direction, purpose, or power. Meanwhile, the devil and his forces are focused and unified in their mission to steal, kill, and destroy. We must recognize that we all need our own personal encounter with the Holy Spirit. Just as every person in the upper room received their own flame, every believer should have their own experience with and connection to the Holy Spirit.

Jesus made it clear that when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we receive power. This power is not just about speaking in tongues; it is about receiving miraculous power to perform signs and wonders. The disciples on the day of Pentecost understood this. They knew that when they were baptized with the Holy Spirit, they received miracle-working power within them. Unfortunately, many in the church today fail to grasp this truth. We have reduced the baptism of the Holy Spirit to speaking in tongues, but it is so much more. It is the power to destroy the works of the devil, heal the sick, cast out demons, and establish God's kingdom on earth.

The Need for Personal Encounter

We are living in a time where every believer needs to have their own flame. Every person sitting in a church pew should have the fire of the Holy Spirit operating in and through them. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is not just a comfort or a personal assurance; it is a baptism of power from on high. It equips us to do the works that Jesus did and even greater works. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead dwells within us.

Unfortunately, many believers have not fully grasped the magnitude of what they have received. They think they have only received a partial package or a starter kit. They believe they need to earn more power through prayer, fasting, and other religious activities. But the truth is, when we receive the Holy Spirit, we receive all the power we will ever need. We must learn to develop, depend on, and draw from this power.

Overcoming Dead Religion

Religion has often hindered the manifestation of God's power. Dead religion cannot accommodate someone operating in the power of God. It tries to attack and discredit those who walk in the supernatural. However, in these challenging times, we must recognize that our only hope is in God. The church must awaken to the reality of the power of the Holy Spirit within us. We must stop waiting for some future anointing and start tapping into the anointing that is already present.

We can tap into this power through prayer, fasting, reading and meditating on the Word of God, boldly speaking the Word, and engaging in praise and worship. We have the power; now it's time to release it.


In conclusion, the devil fears the church realizing the power we already possess through the Holy Spirit. We must awaken to this truth and tap into the supernatural power within us. We have the ability to do the works of Jesus and even greater works. Let us embrace the baptism of the Holy Spirit and release the power of God in our lives.

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