
Unleashing God's Miracles With What You Have

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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Never limit God. There is nothing too small for Him. Have faith. Be obedient. Give the little you have to God and watch a great miracle happen in your life. Use what you have with determination, never doubting that you can do great things for God.


Today, we will explore the concept of using what we have in our hands for the glory of God. Often, we underestimate the value of what we possess and doubt our ability to make a difference. However, God can work miracles with even the smallest of things. Let us have faith, be obedient, and offer what little we have to God, knowing that He can do great things through us.

I. God wants us to use what we have in our hands (Exodus 4:2)

Many of us desire to serve God, but we often seek comfort and convenience in doing so. We want the perfect church, the best worship team, and a life without problems. However, God wants us to work with what He has already given us. He asks Moses, "What is that in your hand?" Moses is surprised and responds, "A staff," a simple and worn-out shepherd's staff. Perhaps Moses wondered how this old staff could be of any use after forty years.

II. The power of using what little we have

We tend to think that what we have is insignificant or of little value. However, throughout the Bible, we see how God can accomplish great things with very little:

- The boy with five loaves and two fish fed thousands (John 6:9).

- The widow of Zarephath's handful of flour and a little oil sustained her and Elijah during a famine (1 Kings 17:12).

- Another widow's small jar of oil multiplied to pay off her debts (2 Kings 4:2-3).

- David defeated Goliath with just five smooth stones (1 Samuel 17:40).

III. Overcoming obstacles to using what we have

1. Not finishing what we start:

Starting something is easy, but finishing it requires determination. We often lose enthusiasm once we begin and become discouraged. However, Jesus completed everything He started, even though He knew it would lead to His death. We must learn to finish what we start, whether it's exercise, goals, work, or studies.

2. Limiting God's blessings due to lack of faith and obedience:

We believe that what we have is not enough or valuable. The devil lies to us, making us think we are incapable of serving God. But remember, the devil is the father of lies. God can work miracles with very little or even nothing at all. We must stop thinking that we are incapable of doing anything for God. He wants us to use what we have in our hands.


Let us not limit God. He does not see anything as insignificant. Have faith, be obedient, and offer what little you have to God. You will witness great miracles in your life. Use what you have with determination, knowing that you can do great things for God. Remember, even a simple staff in the hands of Moses:

- Guided the people.

- Performed miraculous signs.

- Provided water.

- Parted the Red Sea.

Imagine what you can do for the glory of God with what you have in your hands. Stop being mediocre and serve the Lord with zeal and willingness. He will reward you in all areas of your life.

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1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ___________ adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet odio sem, sed porttitor neque elementum at. Vestibulum sodales quam dui, quis faucibus lorem gravida vel. Nam ac ______ mi. Sed vehicula interdum tortor eu sodales. Integer in nunc non libero bibendum sodales quis vitae enim. Sed congue et erat ut maximus. Proin sit amet erat a massa dignissim _________ quis at lorem.

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