Uniqueness Of Jesus - The Name Above All Names - Jesus Christ! (Sermon #4) Series
Contributed by Peter Naveen Saketi on Oct 9, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: The only Name which is exalted so high and at which Every Knee should bow and every tongue should confess is the Name of "JESUS"
The Name of Jesus is so unique, powerful and placed high above every other name. Let us study on what is so special about this Name!
- JESUS means SAVIOUR - Matthew 1:21
Many were called as saviours, they could only save a group of community from a physical enemy but only JESUS who's name is called the "Saviour" had saved the whole human race (not just a community) from physical, emotional, spiritual bondages of the enemy, the devil.
Name JESUS in Classical Latin "Iesvs" and in Hebrews "Yeshua" which means - Rescuer or Deliverer. A common name "Joshua" also means the same and many were called as Joshua.
But the generations after Adam until Jesus were waiting for "the Deliverer" who would deliver the whole human race from the bondage of sin and death and from the devil.
Only JESUS is "the Saviour" of the world who came to rescue the whole human race from the sin and death brought forth because of Adam's sin. Romans 5:8-21
So Jesus simply means "the Salvation" that which the world cannot enter into the eternity without it.
- CHRIST means ANOINTED - Matthew 1:1
The name Christ in Latin is Christus, in Greek it is "Christos and in Hebrew it is "Messiah". It is also called as Kuriyos in Greek which means the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Christ means the supremacy, mastership and the Lordship given to Jesus the Christ (the Messiah).
Kings were anointed by the oil when they take the position as kings and Jesus by birth He was born as the King of the Universe, Christ, the Anointed One.
Power is a force or strength. Strength is displayed when we use the Name of Jesus and by which we see a divine strength behind untamable activities. Miracles take place in the Name of Jesus by the divine enablement, not by human efforts.
Authority is a position for which the subordinates must obey to it's position. The Name of Jesus has the Authority to which every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. The devil trembles at the Name of Jesus because of the Power and the Authority in it. - Philippians 2:9-11
Jesus has given His name to His disciples and also to us to use it against the devil and also to every negative force. Mark 16:17-18
Please Note: The NAME, JESUS is the only name which is called differently in various languages yet has the same Power and Authority regardless of the languages it is called in. Because the devil knows all the languages of the world and he understands the Name of Jesus very well even when it is called in any language of the world.
By which we understand that we are not limited to use only one name "Yeshua" when we need to call the Name Jesus. Language doesn't matter as long as the Power and the Authority is same and understood by the devil in any language.
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God bless!
Peter Naveen,