This sermon explores the concept of unhindered forgiveness made possible through Jesus' sacrifice, replacing the Old Testament's sacrificial system, and the availability of this forgiveness to all who confess and believe.
Welcome back church! Today we’re going to continue on in our series, Unhindered. If you weren’t with us last week, here’s a brief recap; The book of Acts is not a list of attributes to memorize or bullet points to fit into a spreadsheet. It tells the story of the birth of Christianity and the very beginnings of the spread of the Gospel…And when you’re going through the book of Acts there’s one specific word that brings it all together, actually it’s the very last word of the book, Unhindered.
It’s this one word that bridges the gospel accounts to the epistles. This one word gives us context, hope, and clarity for all that God has done and is doing through His Son, Jesus. Last week we started by looking at the lavish love and grace available to us through the unhindered Kingdom. God has held nothing back from us, and we’ll see over the next few weeks just how amazing that truth really is.
God has held nothing back from us, and we’ll see over the next few weeks just how amazing that truth really is.
What is the big deal about forgiveness? To a Christian, forgiveness is rooted in the belief that all people are sinners and in need of forgiveness from God. We believe that forgiveness comes from God, who extends mercy and grace to all who repent and seek forgiveness.
Forgiveness of sin used to come through the sacrificial system as described in the Old Testament ... View this full sermon with PRO Premium