
Unearthing the Power of Spiritual Wells

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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Wells symbolize life, prosperity, and abundance. Many biblical figures, from Abraham to Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and even our Lord Jesus Christ, have stories related to wells. This sermon explores the significance of these wells and the types of wells we have.


The Significance of Wells in the Bible

Wells play a vital role in the Bible, as many important biblical characters had encounters or stories associated with wells. Wells symbolize life, prosperity, and abundance. From Abraham to Isaac, Jacob, and Moses, even Jesus Christ himself, wells have been a significant part of their narratives. So, what is the significance of wells? What types of wells exist, and how do they impact our lives today? How can we identify the wells operating in our lives? In this message, we will explore these questions and seek understanding.

Definition of Wells

To begin, let's define a well. A well is a source of water, either natural or obtained by drilling into the earth. It can also refer to a spring or fountain. In the biblical context, it is distinguished from a surface fountain or water flowing from a rock.

Examples of Wells in the Bible

Hagar's Encounter with a Well

Hagar, for example, encountered a well when she was in desperate need of water for herself and her son. God opened her eyes to see the well that was already there, saving their lives. This teaches us that there may be wells of blessings and opportunities around us, but we need God to open our spiritual eyes to see them.

Abraham's Dispute over a Well

Abraham understood the importance of wells. He had disputes over ownership of a well with Abimelech, the King of Gerar. Wells were crucial for water, which sustained life and wealth through cattle and agriculture. This shows us that wells represent prosperity and can be a source of contention.

Isaac's Persistence with Wells

Isaac, Abraham's son, inherited his father's wells. The Philistines envied Isaac's prosperity and stopped up the wells his father had dug. However, Isaac's persistence and God's favor allowed him to dig out the blocked wells and find new ones. This demonstrates that the enemy can block our wells of prosperity, but with God's help, we can uncover them and experience abundance again.

Jacob's Meeting at a Well

Jacob, another biblical figure, met his future wife Rachel at a well. Wells can serve as meeting places and sources of blessings.

Moses' Refuge at a Well

Moses sat beside a well when he fled from Pharaoh. Wells provide water, the source of life, and can be places of refuge and provision.

Wells as People or Relationships

These examples show that wells can be sources of blessings or misfortune. They can represent prosperity, meeting places, and sources of life.

It is important to note that wells can also refer to people or relationships in our lives. Good friends who give wise advice serve as wells of blessings, while bad influences can be like wells of misfortune.


In conclusion, wells hold great significance in the Bible. They represent life, prosperity, and abundance. They can be sources of blessings or misfortune, depending on the type of well we draw from. It is crucial to identify the wells in our lives and seek God's guidance to uncover the blocked wells of prosperity and avoid negative influences. May the Lord fill our lives with wells of blessings, love, and goodness. Let us pray for open eyes to see the wells of blessings around us and for the wisdom to discern the right wells to draw from.

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