
Understanding the True Meaning of Christmas

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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What is the significance of the Purpose of the Birth of Jesus. People today forget what the true reason is, especially around Christmas. They forget why Christ was born and some do not see it as significant. But the birth of Jesus was very significant.


Today is my last sermon for the year, and I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the significance of the birth of Jesus. Many people today seem to forget the true reason for Christmas and get caught up in the materialistic aspects of the holiday. But we must remember that the birth of Jesus holds great significance.

Section 1: Jesus' Birth to Redeem Mankind

The birth of Jesus was not just a random event; it had a purpose. And that purpose is often overlooked or misunderstood. So today, I want to remind you of the true significance of Jesus' birth.

Firstly, Jesus was born to redeem mankind. In the beginning, Adam and Eve lived in perfect harmony with God in the Garden of Eden. But when they sinned, they broke their relationship with God and brought sin into the world. The penalty for sin is death, and no one on earth was able to pay that debt because everyone is flawed and sinful. So Jesus, being the only perfect and sinless being, came to earth to become the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He died on the cross to pay the penalty that we deserved, and through his death, he redeemed mankind.

Section 2: Jesus' Birth to Reveal God to Us

Secondly, Jesus was born to reveal God to us. When Adam and Eve sinned, their relationship with God was severed. They no longer had the same personal connection with Him. But God desired to have a personal relationship with mankind, so He sent Jesus to repair that broken relationship. Jesus came to show us who God truly is - a loving, merciful, and approachable God. Through Jesus, we can now have a personal relationship with God and understand His character.

Section 3: Jesus' Birth as Our Mediator

Thirdly, Jesus was born to be our mediator. In the Old Covenant, priests acted as mediators between God and mankind. However, these priests were imperfect and sinful themselves. Jesus came as the perfect mediator between God and us. He became the bridge that connects us to God, interceding on our behalf. Through Jesus, we can approach God directly and have our sins forgiven.

Section 4: Jesus' Birth to Enable Us to Receive the Holy Spirit

Lastly, Jesus was born to enable us to receive the Holy Spirit. Before Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension, the Holy Spirit could not permanently dwell within us. But through Jesus' sacrifice, we can now receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comforts us, teaches us, and empowers us to live a life that is pleasing to God. Jesus' birth paved the way for the Holy Spirit to work in our lives.


In conclusion, the birth of Jesus holds great significance. He was born to redeem mankind, reveal God to us, be our mediator, and enable us to receive the Holy Spirit. As we celebrate Christmas, let us not forget the true reason for this season. Let us remember the purpose of Jesus' birth and the impact it has on our lives. May you have a blessed Christmas and a joyful New Year. Amen.

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