
Summary: Summary teaching of what success is

The scripture says“I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as your soul prospereth.”

The plan of God for your life is to be successful.

But what is success# Success is meant different things to differing people.

# To a student - success is pressing the exams in fly colour

# To a farmer - success could mean a bountiful harvest

# To a mother - success means happy sons, peaceful home and comfortable living

# To an evangelist - success means much people giving their lives to Jesus

# To a politician - success means securing political appointment or winning elections

But for success to be genuine and total it must involve all the departments of life:

# Spiritual - Are you born again? Are you free from Satanic attack

# Physiological - Is your body okay? Are you free the stomach ulcer

# Social – Are you relating with others excellently well?

# Career - Are you going up in your profession, are you publishing papers.

# Marital - Are you living foot prints for generation unborn

# Financial – Is there enough money in your pocket

# Family success - Are your children doing well

# Emotional success - Is the family yoke broken - is there still some ancestral curse troubling your family?

Good success is not only about money.

At a time John D. Rockefeller was the richest man on the planet but he was living only on milk and semi-solid. He couldn’t eat normal food!

To succeed spiritually

# Be born again. Don’t only go to church, get out of sin. Get committed in the church: Study the bible. A lot of people can be on phone for hour; they can’t read the bible for 5 minutes.

# They can watch movies for 3 hours, but they can meditate or pray for 10 minutes.

If you can’t pray, you will be a spiritual wreck.

To succeed physiologically

You have to be vigilant to be able to keep your body in a good working condition. Watch out for danger signals - incessant headache, stomach problems that is resisting all forms of treatment. See a doctor if necessary. The scripture is not against the use of medications: Don’t kill yourself before the time.

# Take a time off if the stress is overwhelming. Eat good food

# Drink little quantity of artificial, chemical saturated juices.

# Take good quantity of water and fruits

# Avoid eating too much, it is as dangerous as consuming alcohol

To succeed socially

# Take good care of your mood

# Don’t harbor un-forgiveness

# Don’t close doors suddenly you may need to pass through that door again

# Watch out for bad influence and avoid them. Friendship is by choice, not by force

# Watch your tongue, don’t slaughter people with your lips

# Avoid your anger, run from unprofitable arguments. You may win the argument but you will lose your friend.

“How forceful are right words, but what does your argument reproof”. Job 6:25

To succeed in your career

# Study continuously

# Learn regularly

# Understand office politics and refuse to be a victim

# Pray for helpers

The scripture says: whatsoever he doeth he shall prosper.

It is your doings that will precipitate your prosperity.

To succeed in marriage

# Make God the foundation of your home

# Be determined to work things out, no matter how difficult

# If you are to get married be careful. Don’t marry because of pity, pressure, prophecy, a push pressure. Marry because of love and leading of God

# Take care of the way you talk to your spouse

To succeed financially

# Generate money

# Manage money

# Invest money

# Multiply it

# Pay your tithe to God through his servants

Before we close:

Success is a universal citizen, it exist whenever sun shines. You are not failing because of your background or your location, you can succeed wherever you are, and give your generation something to celebrate.

Don’t forget 3John1:2

“I wish above all things that they mayest prosper and be in health even as your soul prospereth.”

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