
Understanding Our Role as God's Altars in the New Era

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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To illustrate that we, as believers, serve as the altars of God in the New Testament under the dispensation of Grace.


Are you an offering? Are you an altar of God? Today, we will explore the concept of being the New Testament altars of God under grace. Let us dive into the Scriptures and discover the truth.

I. Building an Altar - Our First Response

In the book of Genesis, we read about Noah building an altar to the Lord. This physical altar was used to offer burnt offerings and sacrifices. However, in the New Testament, the concept of the altar takes on a deeper meaning.

II. We Are the Altars

As believers in Christ, we are called to be living sacrifices and altars of God. We are like living stones, built into a spiritual house, offering up spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable and pleasing to God through Jesus Christ.

III. Preparing and Offering Ourselves

Just as Noah offered clean animals and birds on the altar, we are called to prepare and offer ourselves as living sacrifices. Our sacrifice is not physical animals, but rather our whole being - our spirit, soul, and body. We are to present our everyday lives before God as an offering, embracing what He does for us.

IV. The Cross - The Ultimate Altar

The ultimate altar is the cross on which Christ suffered and died for our sins. He became the perfect sacrifice, the Lamb of God. Through His sacrifice, we have access to God and can offer ourselves as living sacrifices.

V. Constantly Offering Praise and Good Works

As altars of God, we are called to constantly offer up a sacrifice of praise. Our lips should thankfully acknowledge, confess, and glorify His name. Additionally, we should not forget to do kindness and good works, distributing and contributing to those in need. These acts of love and service are pleasing to God.


In conclusion, we are the altars of God in the New Testament. Just as Noah built an altar, we are called to be living sacrifices and offer ourselves to God. Let us be conscious of God's presence in our lives and continually offer praise and good works. May we embrace our role as altars of God under grace.

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