
Understanding Our Relationship with God

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 7, 2023
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The ultimate goal of a true Christian is to understand and know God. This desire surpasses all others in importance.


What is the greatest desire of a Christian? Throughout the Bible, we see that the great men and women of God express their passion for truly knowing Him. Moses asks God to reveal His glory (Exodus 33:18). David compares his longing for God to a deer panting for water (Psalm 42:1). And Paul declares that his heart's desire is to know Christ and experience the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings (Philippians 3:10). Above all else, a true Christian's greatest desire is to know God.

Knowing God

To know God is not merely an intellectual exercise or acquiring knowledge about Him. It goes beyond reciting facts or hearing testimonies of what He has done in others' lives. Knowing God involves encountering Him personally and discovering that He is who He says He is.

It is possible to be a Christian and yet not truly know God. In John 14:8-9, Philip, who had been following Jesus for some time, asks Him to show them the Father. Jesus responds, "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time?"

Paul, in Philippians 3:4-7, explains that he had all the religious qualifications and esteemed position in the Jewish community. He knew about God through his intense training in the Law. However, Paul did not truly know God until he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus. Paul's life was transformed because God revealed Himself to him, not because he had all the right answers. Therefore, Paul urges us not to put our confidence in our own achievements or human efforts.

The Power of Knowing Christ

Paul expresses his longing to know Christ and experience the power of His resurrection. This power is the same force that raised Jesus from the dead. As believers, we have been spiritually resurrected with Christ, but understanding the power of His resurrection goes beyond mere knowledge. It means living a life free from the bondage of sin and experiencing victory over its grip. Knowing Christ and His resurrection power enables us to live a transformed life.

The Pain of Sharing His Suffering

While many desire the benefits of knowing Christ, only true followers understand and experience the fellowship of His sufferings. Living for Jesus is not always easy. The closer we draw to Him, the more we become targets of Satan's attacks. In these challenging times, we face a crucial decision: Do we truly want to know Him? Suffering for Christ is an opportunity for intimacy with Him. Trials often serve to deepen our trust and draw us closer to God. Just as ironing removes wrinkles from a shirt, trials refine and strengthen our faith.

The Perspective of Knowing Christ

Paul's priority is to know Christ, which brings power and the ability to overcome suffering. To deal with pain, Paul gains a new perspective. He forgets what lies behind and reaches forward to what lies ahead. He presses on toward the goal of knowing Christ fully, with the assurance of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Paul encourages believers to adopt a heavenly perspective, living in light of eternity rather than being consumed by earthly concerns. Our true citizenship is in heaven, and this perspective empowers us to live victoriously on earth.


In conclusion, the greatest desire of a true Christian is to know God. This desire goes beyond head knowledge and involves encountering Him personally. Like Moses, David, and Paul, we should long to know Him and experience the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. As we pursue this relationship with God, He will give us the strength to overcome trials and a heavenly perspective that enables us to live victoriously on earth. May our greatest passion be to truly know God and make Him known to others. Amen.

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