
Understanding Our Brokenness: A Path to God's Love

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Brokenness is a spiritual state that draws God's attention. This condition allows us to better understand ourselves and Him. However, we often resist this process as it's challenging to let go of our personal goals, ambitions, and interests. But it's through this surrender that we truly experience God's provision.


Brokenness is a spiritual state that captures God's attention. It provides us with a deeper understanding of ourselves and our relationship with Him. Although we may resist this process, surrendering our own desires and interests, it is through brokenness that we truly grow.

I. Brokenness reveals our light

Just as a broken pitcher exposes the flame within, brokenness allows our inner light to shine. We can see this illustrated in the story of Gideon's army. When they broke their clay pitchers, the hidden torches were revealed, dispelling the darkness.


What aspects of my life need to be broken so that God's light can shine through? Is it my pride, complaining, vanity, or fault-finding? What is hindering my light from being exposed?

II. Brokenness produces fruit

Just as a seed must be broken open and die to bring forth new life, we too must embrace brokenness to bear fruit. Jesus exemplified this when He willingly surrendered His own will to do the Father's will. His death on the cross produced eternal life for all who believe in Him.


Am I willing to daily carry my cross and deny myself for the sake of following Jesus? Will I allow God to break me so that His life can flow through me?

III. Brokenness releases a fragrance of love

In the story of Jesus being anointed with expensive perfume, we see how brokenness leads to a sweet aroma of love. The woman who broke the alabaster jar poured out her most valuable possession as an act of love and worship. Similarly, when we are broken before God, our love and worship become a fragrant offering to Him.


Do I love God enough to break open my life and pour out my worship before Him? Am I holding back my true worship, keeping it bottled up inside?

IV. Brokenness allows for multiplication

When Jesus took the seven loaves and fish, He broke them, giving thanks to God. Through this act of brokenness, the food multiplied, feeding a multitude with leftovers. In the same way, when we allow God to break us, He multiplies our blessings and provides abundantly for our needs.


Am I willing to surrender my own resources and submit to God's will, trusting Him to meet my needs? Do I believe that brokenness leads to blessings?


Brokenness is a powerful spiritual condition that leads to a deeper intimacy with God. It exposes our inner light, produces fruit, releases a fragrance of love, and allows for multiplication. As we embrace brokenness and surrender ourselves to God, He will work in and through us, bringing forth transformation and abundant blessings.

Scripture Passage

1 Corinthians 11:23-24 (NIV)

"For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, 'This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.'"

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