
Understanding Life's Value

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 11, 2023
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This sermon invites us to reflect on the value of our lives and understand its worth.


Ask anyone to define life, and you'll receive a variety of answers. People have different interpretations, with some seeing life as a mere accident, while others recognize it as a sacred trust from God. Some may view life as a meaningless interlude, while others see it as a journey with purpose. In our text, James describes life as a vapor that appears and quickly vanishes. This truth reminds us of the brevity of life when compared to eternity.

I. Life is Short

James 4:14 compares life to a vapor that quickly disappears. Just like steam rising from a kettle, our lives are here one moment and gone the next. As we grow older, we realize how fleeting life truly is. While some may live long lives, the reality is that life is short for most of us. We must not take our time for granted.

II. Life is a Gift from God

Life is a precious gift given to us by God. In Genesis 2:7, we learn that God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into him. John 1:4 tells us that life comes from God and is the light of men. We must cherish and appreciate this gift.

III. What is Your Life?

We need to reflect on how we are using our lives. Are we happy? Do we have peace? Are we enjoying our lives? What are the most important things in our lives? Where does God fit into our priorities? Is our family a place of happiness? These questions help us evaluate the value and purpose of our lives.

IV. Abundant Life

Jesus came to give us abundant life, as stated in John 10:10. Satan may try to convince us that life is all about material possessions, but true life is not measured by what we own. Abundant life begins when we accept Jesus as our Savior. Through the Holy Spirit, we are guided, assured of our salvation, and empowered to live as children of God. We have a heavenly citizenship and are heirs of God's promises. In Christ, we become new creations and are set free from sin. We have peace with God and an advocate in Jesus Christ.


Life is short and uncertain. We must not waste our years but instead respond to God's calling. We should include God in our plans and make the most of the time we have. As Jesus said, we must work while it is still day, for the night is coming when no one can work. Let us value and appreciate the gift of life and live it to the fullest, with God at the center.

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