
Understanding Christ's Thirst

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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"I thirst" is a statement from the cross that was only recorded by John in his gospel. I believe there were at least three reasons why God inspired John to record that statement. This sermon explores those three reasons.


Last week, we explored the fourth statement from the cross, where Jesus cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" This cry revealed the spiritual agony Jesus experienced as He took on the sins of the world. Today, we will focus on the fifth statement, recorded only by John in his gospel: "I am thirsty." This seemingly simple statement holds significant meaning, and I believe there are three reasons why God inspired John to include it in his account.

Reason 1: Demonstrating Jesus' Humanity

During the time John wrote his gospel, a religious and philosophical belief called Gnosticism had emerged. Gnostics believed that matter was evil and spirit was good. Consequently, they argued that God, being pure spirit, could never take on a physical body. They claimed that Jesus only had a phantom body and did not experience real pain or suffering. However, by including Jesus' statement of thirst, John refutes this false teaching. Jesus' physical pain and suffering on the cross were real, demonstrating His genuine humanity. Just as Jesus experienced hunger during His forty-day temptation in the wilderness, His thirst on the cross was a genuine physical need. By enduring these human experiences, Jesus identified with us and made it possible for us to be transformed.

Reason 2: Spiritual Thirst

Jesus' statement of thirst also points to a deeper spiritual truth. Just as our bodies require water to function properly, our souls have a thirst that can only be quenched by a connection with God. When we are separated from God, we experience a spiritual thirst that cannot be satisfied by anything else. The psalmist beautifully expresses this longing in Psalm 42: "As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God." Jesus' thirst on the cross symbolizes this spiritual thirst that can only be satisfied through fellowship with God. Isaiah extends an invitation to all who are thirsty, inviting them to come and find fulfillment in God. If you feel that emptiness in your soul, know that Christ offers living water to quench your spiritual thirst. Seek forgiveness for your sins and turn towards Him to experience true fulfillment.

Reason 3: Fulfillment of Scripture

John also highlights Jesus' statement of thirst to emphasize the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. In verse 28, John writes, "so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, 'I am thirsty.'" This statement fulfills the prophecies found in Psalm 22:15 and Psalm 69:21. By meticulously fulfilling these prophecies, Jesus provides undeniable proof that He is the long-awaited Messiah. Throughout His life, Jesus fulfilled numerous prophecies written centuries before His birth. These prophecies include His birth in Bethlehem, His virgin birth, His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, His rejection by His own people, His betrayal by a disciple, His trial and condemnation, His silence before His accusers, and His crucifixion. The list goes on, and each fulfilled prophecy strengthens the case for Jesus as the Son of God.


Jesus' statement of thirst on the cross reveals His genuine humanity, the spiritual thirst we all experience, and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. By experiencing physical pain and suffering, Jesus identified with us and made it possible for us to be transformed. He invites us to come to Him with our spiritual thirst, offering living water that satisfies our souls. Furthermore, the fulfillment of Scripture through Jesus' life and death provides undeniable evidence of His identity as the Messiah. Let us trust in Him and find true fulfillment in His love and grace.

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