
Summary: A message on Soul Winning

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Here we find the men who came out of the Revival of Pentecost! - Acts 1:8 - Ye Shall Receive Power, Ye Shall be Witnesses Unto Me... They were to Go and Be Witnesses! -- They were to Go and Carry Out The Great Commission – Mt. 28: 19,20 - GO Ye Therefore, and Teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. – They were to Go and Preach The Gospel, The Good News of Jesus Christ! --- THE GLAD, GOOD NEWS OF THE SAVIOR, WHO WAS BORN OF A VIRGIN, LIVED A PERFECT SINLESS LIFE, DIED ON THE CROSS TO SAVE US FROM OUR SINS, RESURRECTED THE THIRD DAY AND CONQUERED SIN, SATAN, HELL, DEATH AND THE GRAVE AND IS COMING AGAIN ONE DAY IN THE RAPTURE TO TAKE HIS PEOPLE HOME!

THEY WERE TO GO! - You can’t Turn The World Upside Down For Jesus sitting at Home! How do you spell God? How do you spell Satan? -- What is the first two letter of God? Go -- What is the first three letters of Satan? Sat -- Are you Go-ing or Sat-ing?

Paul Harvey said, We have went from Fishers of Men to Keepers of the Aquarium!

It is sad when Jehovah Witness will wear out shoe leather knocking doors and do not believe that Jesus is the glad good news! -- The Mormons.... It is sad they know their handbooks better than Christians know their Bibles! (Do you know the Romans Road - 3:23; 6:23; 5:8; 10:9,10 & 13)

TRUE EVANGELISM - It is a joint attack of the Church against sin and satan, It sends people out knocking doors - It manifest the presence and power of the Holy Spirit - It discomforts satan - It revives the Christian - Strengthens Churches - and silences the bitter tongue of Gossip! --- Win Souls and the Church Grows, Win Souls Finances Increase, Church Problems Cease.... Win Souls and the Church will be on fire... Win souls and the world will come to see.

Soul winning will turn the world upside down for Jesus!

THE CHURCH WAS ESTABLISHED AS A SOUL WINNING STATION FOR JESUS! -- A Church that is not striving to win lost souls to Jesus, No matter how fundamental in faith and doctrine.... IS BACKSLIDING, DISOBEDIENT, DISHONORING AND DISHONORED!

A story is told about a certain community of people who lived on a dangerous stretch of sea coast where shipwrecks often occurred. The people got together and decided to build a rescue mission. Their job was to man their boat and search for survivors in case of a shipwreck, and bring the survivor into the mission and help spare their life! It was a great success and the rescue mission became famous and grew. A new bigger building was built. It was beautifully furnished and decorated. With all its beauty it became more like a social club. As a result, some of the members began to loose interest in the rescue operation. A shipwreck occurred, there were many survivors brought into this beautiful building, they were muddy and bloody and the mud and blood was getting on the beautiful plush carpet. Some of the people complained. At their next meeting, there was a split in the membership. They began to see that the life saving operation was a hindrance to the social life of the mission. Those who disagreed left and went and built a mission further down the coast. As the years went by history continued to repeat itself, Today, so the story goes, that the sea coast has a number of social clubs dotting the shore. But no one in the area really seems to be concerned with the Original Rescue Operation of Saving Lives! --- THIS MY FRIEND IS THE PROBLEM OF THE CHURCH TODAY.... When the Church Looses Vision of Winning Souls it is in trouble!

WE MUST KEEP THE RESCUE OPERATION GOING. IT IS TOP PRIORITY WITH JESUS! (Story of the Angel and Jesus walking through heaven... the angel ask Jesus what was his plan of bringing salvation to the world? Jesus said well, that man will get saved and then he will tell another and then that one will tell someone else and so on and so forth... My, my the angel said you mean that is it. Oh well what is your backup plan if man fails. Jesus answered I don’t have a backup plan if they don’t do it, it will not get done!)

When we get to heaven suppose Jesus ask us two questions? Did you come alone? - Wouldn’t it be sad to get to heaven and see Jesus, The one who died for all, and He would Ask You. Did you come alone? We shuffle our feet and say, we hang our head, we mumble... Well I, Uh, I Think.. Uh, Yes I did. Then the second question - Why? Why? Why, would you come to heaven and not bring anyone with you! (Story of Carl Johnson) (AMOS 3: 12 - Two legs and an ear)

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Anonymous Contributor

commented on Jul 4, 2013

Great sermon...

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