Truth Or Consequences
Contributed by Johnny Carver on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Our society has developed the mind-set that we can live above the Law.
Scripture: Galatians 6:1 – 10
Title: “Truth or Consequences!” (The Laws of The Harvest)
Introduction: Our society has developed the mind-set that we can live above the Law.
1. LAW NUMBER ONE: “We Reap Much We Did Not Sow”
o Mankind spends a lot of his time trying to defy the Laws of God.
o Every moment of every day we are experiencing the Laws of the Harvest.
o We reap from our own sowing and the harvest of what others have sown.
2. LAW NUMBER TWO: “We Reap The Same In Kind As We Sow”
o In the beginning of God’s creation He ordered everything to produce “after his kind.” – 3 Times in Gen. 1:11 & 12 this is emphasized: Then God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, and that was the beginning of reaping after its own kind.
3. LAW NUMBER THREE: “We Reap In a Different Season Than When We Sow”
o Too many believers are sowing wild oats through the week and then going to church on Sunday and praying for a crop failure. (But it will not happen)
o The Harvest never comes immediately after planting it takes a while.
o The Harvest comes in God’s own good time – His appointed season!
o This is the case both POSITIVELY & NEGETIVELY!
o Sometimes the Lord in His longsuffering waits years before He disciplines or judges for wrongs.
4. LAW NUMBER FOUR: “We Reap More Than We Sow”
o This law is one of the most important aspects concerning the harvest there is.
o Let me restate this again: “This is the case both POSITIVELY & NEGETIVELY!
o If there wasn’t more reaped than sown no farmer would ever sow.
o How many grains of corn are produced by one grain?
o How many apples are produced by one apple seed?
5. LAW NUMBER FIVE: “We Reap In Proportion As We Sow”
o If a person does not sow, he does not reap.
o If he sows sparingly, he reaps sparingly. – If he wants to reap bountifully, he must sow bountifully. 2 Cor. 9:6
o The greater the sowing the greater the reaping!
6. LAW NUMBER SIX: “We Cannot Do Anything About Last Year’s Harvest,
But We Can About This Year’s Harvest”
o Whatever we did last year, last month, last week, or even yesterday is over and past.
o We can’t change the record or the consequences!
o Phil. 3:14 – 15 “Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,”