Contributed by Michael West on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: If God is more than able and capable to take care of the universe, why all the struggle. This sermon is meant to encourage us to let go and trust God...
Sunday August 3rd, 2008 Speaker: Pastor Michael
Sermon: T.R.U.S.T. Scripture: Proverbs 3:1-12
The key verses in this chapter are verses 5-6, a promise God’s people have often claimed as they have sought the Lord’s direction for their lives. And this promise has never failed them—if they have obeyed the conditions God has laid down in verses 1-12. God keeps His promises when we obey His precepts, because our obedience prepares us to receive and enjoy what He has planned for us.
Conditions to meet (vv. 1-12)
The first condition for receiving God’s guidance is that we learn God’s truth (vv. 1-4). The will of God is revealed in the Word of God — Col. 1:9-10
The only way to know His will is to study His Word and obey it. By receiving the Word within our hearts, we experience growth in godly character so that mercy and truth ("love and faithfulness," niv) become beautiful ornaments in our lives (Prov. 3:3; 1:9).
It isn’t enough for believers to carry the Bible in their hands; they must let the Holy Spirit write it on their hearts (3:3; 7:3)
2 Cor. 3:1-3.
Obedience to the Word can add years to your life and life to your years.
Second, we must obey God’s will (vv. 5-8).
"He shall direct your paths" (v. 6, nkjv) is the promise, but the fulfillment of that promise is predicated on our obedience to the Lord. We must trust Him with all our heart and obey Him in all our ways. That means total commitment to Him (Rom. 12:1-2). The word translated "trust" in verse 5 means "to lie helpless, facedown."
This verse depicts a servant waiting for the master’s command in readiness to obey, or a defeated soldier yielding himself to the conquering general.
The danger, of course, is that we lean on our own understanding and thereby miss God’s will. This warning doesn’t suggest that God’s children turn off their brains and ignore their intelligence and common sense. It simply cautions us not to depend on our own wisdom and experience or the wisdom and experience of others.
Abraham did this when he went to Egypt (Gen. 12:10-20)
Joshua did it when he attacked the little town of Ai403 (Josh. 7).
When we become "wise in [our] own eyes" (Prov. 3:7), then we’re heading for trouble.
What should we do?
T is for talking with God
R is for relying on God
U is for understanding God
S is for seeking God
T is for the truth of God
Trust means you need to talk to God. Who else is there to trust?
All others will fail or let you down at one time or another, but not God.
That’s why it’s important to get to know God. We get to know Him by talking with Him and reading His Word.
Here are some reasons to trust Him:
His love fails not—I Chronicles 16:34, psalm 103:8, 107:1, 136:12
He will not let you fall—Psalm 121:3, Proverbs 3:26, Luke 22:39
He has good planned for you—Jeremiah 29:11
He will protect you
He will provide for you
He will lead you
He will guide you
He will comfort you
He will teach you
And more….
It’s important to talk to Him about you and talk to Him about Him.
If you don’t know what to say, then you must not be in the Word.
Rely means to rely on God for everything.
What is evil? Anything that will take you away from God.
Rely on Him. He wants to help you.
Understanding, not your own, ask for wisdom and understanding and you will have it.
Seek God out. Look for Him everywhere.
He is truth and cannot lie. He will always tell you and show you the truth of the matter.
He’s Conscious- This means He’s aware. The word of God say’s in Matt 6:8 that our Heavenly Father knows what things we have need of even before we ask Him. Isn’t it good to know that we have a God that is omniscient or all knowing? That’s the first reason why you should trust Him, because He already knows everything about you.
He’s Concerned- 1 Peter 5:7 says cast, which means to throw, your cares, anxieties and worries on Him because He cares about you. Yes He cares about you! Whatever concerns you concerns Him. So whenever you’re faced with problems, situations and obstacles that seem insurmountable just throw them on Him, He can handle them.
He’s Consistent- This means He’s faithful and you can also count on Him and trust Him to do exactly what He say’s He will do every single time, even if others let you down and or found to be unreliable God will never let you down, you can always rely on Him. 1 Cor 1:9 say’s that God is faithful. So even we are unfaithful to God, God remains faithful to us.