
True Love

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
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Explore the lessons in Matthew 15:10-28 about the power of true love, the cost of obeying God, and the blessings that come from clinging to God alone, while challenging us to examine our understanding and perception of God.


Good morning, Church! It's always a blessing to gather together on this beautiful day that the Lord has made. We're going to dive deep today into Matthew 15:10-28, and I promise you, it's going to be a journey filled with lessons about the power of true love, the cost of obeying God, and the incredible blessing that comes from clinging to God and God alone.

Our guiding quote today comes from Richard Cecil, who once said, "The history of all the great characters of the Bible is summed up in this one sentence: They acquainted themselves with God, and acquiesced His will in all things." This is a thought-provoking statement that triggers us to examine our understanding and perception of our relationship with God.

The Power of True Love

The power of true love is a recurring theme in the Bible, and it's beautifully illustrated in the passage we just read. True love, as demonstrated by Jesus, is not just about feelings or emotions. It's about action, sacrifice, and sometimes, it's about going against the norm.

The Canaanite woman: We see Jesus interacting with a Canaanite woman, a non-Jew, which was a taboo in those days. Jews and Canaanites did not mix; they were considered enemies. But here we see Jesus, breaking societal norms, engaging with this woman out of love. This is a powerful demonstration of true love - love that does not discriminate, love that does not hold grudges, love that is willing to cross boundaries to reach out to those in need.

The woman's plea: This request for her demon-possessed daughter is a desperate cry for help. Jesus' initial silence might seem harsh, but it serves to highlight the woman's faith and persistence. When Jesus finally responds, He does so in a way that might seem offensive to us. He says, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs." But the woman, in her desperation and faith, responds, "Yes it is, Lord. Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table!"

The significance: This exchange is not about Jesus belittling the woman, but rather, it's about bringing to light the power of true love. The woman's love for her daughter drives her to persist, to humble herself, to endure what might seem like a rejection. And Jesus, in His love, not only heals her daughter but commends her for her great faith.

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True love definition: As we see in this passage, It’s not about getting what we want when we want it. It's about persistence, humility, and faith. It's about recognizing our need for God and being willing to do whatever it takes to seek His help.

Recognizing the worth and value of every individual: Jesus could have dismissed the Canaanite woman because of her ethnicity. But He didn't. He saw her faith, her love for her daughter, and her humility. He saw her as a person, not as a Canaanite. This is a powerful reminder for us to look beyond the labels society puts on people and to see them as God sees them - as individuals created in His image, worthy of love and respect.

It’s sacrificial: Jesus, in His love for us, was willing to sacrifice His life on the cross. He was willing to endure the shame, the pain, and the rejection so that we could have eternal life. This is the ultimate demonstration of true love - love that is willing to give up everything for the sake of the beloved.

We are called to demonstrate this kind of love: A love that does not discriminate, a love that persists, a love that humbles itself, a love that sees the worth in others, and a love that is willing to sacrifice. This is the power of true love - a love that can change lives, heal hearts, and transform societies.

The Cost of Obeying God

The cost of obeying God is a concept that is often overlooked in our modern Christian culture, where we tend to focus on the blessings and benefits of following Christ ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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