Triumphant Joy Reaped Series
Contributed by Derrick Strickland on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We will be noticing tonight, not the things which bring Triumphant Joy to our lives, but the things that accompany the Joy in our lives.
INTRO: 1. The advantage we have of studying a book of the bible is that we can see how all the part fit into the whole.
a. You wouldn’t want people just haphazardly pulling quotes out of letters that you’ve written without first reading the entire letter.
b. Remember Philippians was a letter where truth built on truth and principle was built on principle.
2. As we’ve worked our way through Philippians we’ve let God’s word reveal to us Triumphant Joy Defined, Refined and Defended.
a. Embraced the truth that Triumphant Joy is a divine gift that is supernatural in nature and is something we have to receive and embrace.
b. We went farther to realize that Triumphant Joy must be refined into our lives…be more what we are than what we have.
c. Last week, we discovered that our Triumphant Joy must be protected from the substitutes called religion and carnality.
d. I hope you’ve noticed that we’ve witnessed a progression or a maturing of Joy as it’s manifested in our lives.
3. True to form, in our final lesson, Paul shows us Triumphant Joy Reaped… or the fruits of triumphant Joy.
a. We must realize that every powerful truth we plant into our lives will produce fruit.
b. That’s why it’s so important to watch what we are planting.
c. We will be noticing tonight, not the things which bring Joy to our lives, but the things that accompany the Joy in our lives.
4. Notice this section, which in fact is the closing section begins again with Joy. Vs. 4
a. Paul gives special emphasis to their need to rejoice… or to apply that Joy in their lives.
b. I believe Paul was saying that everything that would follow this verse would hinge upon the fact that their is this supernatural, triumphant Joy in their lives.
c. It doesn’t matter what other grace is in your life… without Joy you are not living victoriously.
5. Something I noticed in studying this chapter is that the fruit of Triumphant Joy isn’t just more Joy…but more fulfillment.
a. Impact more than the condition of our emotions, but the condition of our soul and spirit.
b. It will produce in us “wholeness”… completeness, blessedness.
6. If properly and continually applied to our lives this Triumphant Joy will produce three dynamics of living, in which we want to focus on tonight.
a. I know probably the first thing that some would ask is “Is this possible in the day in which we live?”
b. Paul not only let’s us know that it is possible but goes on to tell us how it works.
c. Problem is often it’s easier to go with what we feel, than what we know to be true.
d. Why is it that we have to be pushed to the wall before we apply what we know?
1. Vs. 4 gives us the first principle “Rejoice…alway.”
2. In other words, apply Joy to your situation.
3. Not merely smile at it… rejoice in it.
4. Rejoice simply means to ‘make oneself joyful.’
5. It implies that there’s something we must do to activate that “Joy unspeakable” in our lives.
6. This tells me that Joy must be maintained continually.
7. Again notice that the focus is off of us and on to “the Lord.”
8. Stress often springs from troubles stewing on our minds.
9. “I just can’t help but worry”… try rejoicing when you feel like worrying.
1. Paul goes on to to say that our “moderation” should be evident to all.
2. Moderation means gentleness, calmness… not panicking, freaking out.
3. Then he tells us how that kind of spirit comes to be in our lives.
4. He tells us how to spiritually ambush our anxiety.
5. Ambush it with Prayer. Vs. 6
6. Prayer is the greatest stabilizer in our walk with God.
7. Ambush it “with thanksgiving.”
8. When we bring to remember what he’s already done for us we can be confident in what he’s going to do for us.
9. Ambush it with release “let your request be made known to God.”
10. That kind of prayer is a "casting on" prayer.
1. Don’t leave that prayer closet until His peace is released in your life.
2. You know you can resist the peace of God in your life.
3. Peace of heart and peace of mind.
4. God’s peace will guard our thinking. vs. 8
1. Often time we’re living stressed lives because we aren’t doing what we’re suppose to be doing.
2. We fill our lives with everything other than God, then try to squeeze Him in.