
Summary: Through Esther and Mordecai, God had delivered His people once again.

Through Esther and Mordecai, God had delivered His people once again. God had given Esther a natural beauty, He allowed her to speak with the king, and He provided and opportunity for Mordecai to overhear a terrible plot.

In verses 1-16:

• Previously, Haman had enticed the king to sign a decree allowing anyone to kill the Jews and take the Jews’ property for themselves.

• But we learned that Esther and Mordecai had petitioned the king and told him of Haman's plot.

• Haman had proclaimed that on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month anybody could kill the Jews and take their property.

• Mordecai's announcement could not switch Haman's on the grounds that no law marked by the king could be canceled.

• Mordecai had the king sign another law giving the Jews the option to retaliate.

• When the feared day showed up, there was a lot of battling.

• The Jews killed just the individuals who intended to kill them.

• They did not take their adversaries’ assets despite the fact that they could have (Esther 8:11, 9:10, 9:16).

• There were no extra uproars after the two-day butcher.

• Clearly childish addition or retribution were not essential thought processes of the Jews.

• They basically needed to safeguard themselves and their families from the individuals who abhorred them.

• Finally, the Jews had defended themselves on the day that Haman had set for their destruction.

• Through God's intervention, they were victorious.

• Some government officials had even helped them.

• What do we learn from this?

• How can we apply this passage of scripture to our lives?


• We see the hand of God moving throughout the book of Esther.

• Whatever our place in life, God can use us.

• We are to be open and available.

• We are to be prepared because God may use us to do what others are afraid to do.

• Corruption and abuse of authority are often characteristics of those in positions of power.

• People placed in positions of power by God need not turn their backs on those in need.

• Even when it looks as if the evil is rampant, God is still in control protecting His own.

• We must trust in God’s ways, even when we cannot seem to understand them.

• No matter how hopeless our situations may look, do not despair, trust in God.

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