Tribulation Lesson 3 Series
Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jul 14, 2023 (message contributor)
Summary: Tribulation - "A day of wrath, trouble, distress."
1. A day of wrath, trouble, distress, etc. Zeph. 1:15.
2. A day of judgment – Rev. 14:7, 15:4.
3. A day of darkness – Amos 5:18-20.
4. A day of unparalleled suffering – Rev. 6:15-17, Matt. 24:21-22.
1. Opening:
a. Removal of the Restrainer, the Holy Spirit – 2 Thess. 2:6-7.
b. The revelation of the man of sin – 2 Thess. 2:3 – antichrist.
c. A covenant between the antichrist and the unbelieving nation of Israel – Dan. 9:27.
d. Antichrist unites the 10 nations of the revived Roman Empire – Dan. 2:31-45.
2. First Half – 3 ½ years – Matt. 24:4-8.
a. Israel to be in the land in unbelief – Ex. 37:1-22.
b. The apostate church will emerge – Rev. 17.
c. Seven Seals of Judgement:
1) White horse conquering – Rev. 6:1-2
2) Red horse taking peace – Rev. 6:3-4
3) Black horse bringing famine – Rev. 6:5-6
4) Pale horse bringing death – Rev. 6:7-8
5) Martyred saints praying – Rev. 6:9-11
6) Heavenly phenomena – Rev. 6:12-17
7) Silence – Rev. 8:1
d. The 144,000 witnesses – Rev. 7:1-17
3. Middle of the Week.
a. Two witnesses slain – first obstacle to antichrist is removed – Rev. 11:7-13. Perhaps after the fifth trumpet.
b. Sacrifice in the temple stopped – second obstacle removed – Dan. 9:27. Replaced with antichrist system.
c. Seven Trumpets:
1) Nature smitten – Rev. 8:1-7
2) Sea turned into blood – Rev. 8:8-9
3) Pollution of fresh water – Rev. 8:10-11
4) Destruction in heavens – Rev. 8:12-13
5) Locust and scorpions – Rev. 9:1-12
6) One third of the population destroyed – Rev. 9:13-21
7) Great announcement – Rev. 10:15-19
d. Satan persecutes Israel but God preserves them – Rev. 12:1-6, 13-17.
e. Battle of Gog and Magog – middle or last half of tribulation, requiring seven months to bury the dead – Ex. 38:1-39, 25, Joel 2:1-27, northern and southern confederacy opposes antichrist the man of sin – Dan. 11:40-45 There is also an eastern enemy – Rev. 16:12-16.
f. The apostate church is cast off by antichrist – Rev. 17:1-18.
g. It is still business as usual even in the face of divine judgement and early confusion – Rev. 18:1-24.
h. Food sold only to those who have the mark of the beast – Rev. 13:16-17.
i. Seven Bowls of Judgement
1) Sores – Rev. 16:1-2
2) Sea life destroyed – Rev. 16:3
3) Fresh water to blood – Rev. 16:4-7
4) Sun’s heat intensified – Rev. 16:8-9
5) Darkness and pain – Rev. 16:10-11
6) Drying of Euphrates River – Rev. 16:12-16
7) Hail stones – Rev. 16:17-21
j. Commercial Babylon overthrown – Rev. 18:1-24
k. Nations of the earth brought together by demons – Rev. 16:14-16 for the battle of Armageddon – Rev. 19:1-21, Matt. 24:30, Zech. 14:1-8.
4. End of the Tribulation.
a. Armageddon a great concluding battle – Rev. 19:11-21.
b. Visible return of Christ – Matt. 24:30, Rev. 19:11 ff.
c. Judgment on satanic personages, i.e., satan, antichrist, false prophet – Rev. 19:19-20:3, on unbelieving men who survive the war – Matt. 25:31-46
If you have never really accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, would you do it right now? Do not delay or put it off. If you would like to receive Christ by faith, pray this simple prayer in your heart:
Dear Lord, I acknowledge that I am a sinner. I believe Jesus died for my sins on the cross, and rose again the third day. I repent of my sins. By faith I receive the Lord Jesus as my Savior. You promised to save me, and I believe You, because You are God and cannot lie. I believe right now that the Lord Jesus is my personal Savior, and that all my sins are forgiven through His precious blood. I thank You, dear Lord, for saving me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
If you prayed that prayer, God heard you and saved you. I personally want to welcome you to the family of God and rejoice with you.
Dr. Towns’ email is eltowns@liberty.edu.
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