
Summary: Proverbs 2

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“Treasure Hunting”

Proverbs 2

Intro: The Bible is an amazing book. We so often treat it as a textbook, merely teaching academic truth--when what it really is is a children’s "pop-up" book, showing us glimpses into the very heart and soul of those we find mentioned there.

The Psalms were not merely songs to be ritually sung in church: they were the embodiment of David’s baring his soul to us, opening up his heart to share his feelings and emotions, his depression and frustration as well as his triumph and exultation.

We have become so concerned with knowing what the Bible teaches (dogmatics) that we forget to learn and do what the Bible teaches (greatest commandment, etc.) The Bible is God’s love-letter to man!

What is your attitude to the Word of God today?

As we look to the book of Proverbs, we find a good understanding of what our attitude should be.

Read Proverbs 2:1-11

I. True Wisdom is found in following God’s Word.

God’s wisdom must be sought before it can be found. It is not ability, but industry, effort, and sincerity that enables us to find wisdom. Solomon starts out by stating his wish for his son.

1. "if" - can be a simple "if/then", or it could be better seen as a desirative expression (stating the desire of the father) -"Oh, my son, if only you would accept my words"

Solomon, the wisest man, writes of his desire for us to learn to seek wisdom. He knows that wisdom is the most important thing.

Prov. 4:7 - Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

Prov. 16:16 - How much better to get wisdom than gold, to choose understanding rather than silver!

*Remember God asked Solomon to ask for whatever he wanted when he became King. Solomon prayed for wisdom to lead God’s people and God in turn blessed him with all kinds of earthly blessings. Solomon knows the importance of wisdom.

A. Attitudes towards wisdom

"accept" - to receive graciously, to welcome, to accept with open arms. This is passive: we only attain wisdom as God gives (James 1:5), but we must receive and welcome it into our hearts.

#At Christmas, sometimes we accept some gifts with a half-hearted “Thank you” knowing we are going to be out tomorrow morning to exchange the gift.

#Compare to a man in the desert being offered some water

#story - men in desert - oasis ahead - man selling ties $100 - think him crazy - get to oasis - need tie to get in to restaurant. Do we desire for God’s wisdom with thirsty, starving hearts?

"store up" - hide, as a treasure. *Spies: microfilm - place it some place extremely safe, it is so valuable

The president always has an agent a few feet away from him who carries “the football” - the briefcase, handcuffed to his arms, that has all the missile strike codes in it. It is so important, the president never goes anywhere without it.

Just like American Express - Wisdom: Don’t leave home without it!

To obtain wisdom from God requires a receptive faith. The quest for wisdom is a spiritual exercise. Without desire for truth, and desire to act upon it, the Bible will always seem a dry and boring book.

*as we read the Bible, do we really desire to know God’s truth

*do we “store up” God’s commands within us - MEMORIZATION - spies: memorize this then eat the message, or Mission Impossible - message disintegrates

Why do we store up wisdom? most teaching cannot be used as soon as it is received - we store it up for a use later in life. Maybe you read something today that isn’t relevant, but God is planning on using those verses to prepare you to handle a situation you will face tomorrow. Treasure wisdom.

2."turning your ear" - literally is "sharpen the ear" - today would compare to "listen up, "listen sharp." Just as a dog lifts its ears when it hears something. It means to exercise energy, to give careful attention.

*read a text, then say, “What did God say? did you hear that!? WOW!” Pay attention!

"applying your heart" - literally is to "stretch out the heart" - it involves the whole inner man. This is to direct our whole inner being in the pursuit of understanding. You will not find wisdom if you merely seek it casually. A theological search without involving the heart results only in a mere academic exercise.

*BJU Custer sermons - done only to turn in- no real value

*Bell projects - far beyond requirements, done for personal benefit

The question we need to ask ourselves is: Do we really put our whole heart into the word of God?

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