
Transforming the Ordinary into Extraordinary

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
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God's power can turn simple things into powerful weapons against evil


We all know the story of Moses and the burning bush, where Moses presented several excuses to God. However, God had an answer for each of his excuses. Today, we will focus on one particular question that God asked Moses. But before we delve into that, let's read a portion of the account from Exodus 4:1-20.

What do you have?

When God asked Moses what he had in his hand, Moses replied, "Nothing." However, what seemed like nothing to Moses was something significant to God. This simple staff became a powerful tool in God's hands. Let's explore how God used this ordinary staff to accomplish extraordinary things.

1) What is nothing to us is something to God:

This staff was used by God to confront the soothsayers of Pharaoh's court, turn the waters of Egypt into blood, bring forth frogs, cause lice throughout the land, bring thunder and hail, bring locusts across the land, part the Red Sea, provide water from a rock, and bring victory to the Israelite army. Although the staff itself was just a simple stick, it became a vessel for God's power and miracles.

2) Availability is the key:

For this staff to be used, Moses had to make it available to God. Once he released it, it became God's instrument to work through. The power of the staff came from God, not from Moses' own abilities or resources. Similarly, we need to surrender ourselves to God and make our gifts and talents available for His use. When God gets involved, even the smallest things can become powerful tools in His hands.

3) The rod of Moses became the rod of God:

Moses used the "staff of God" to confront the powers of this world, and each time, he emerged triumphant. The staff had always been in Moses' possession, but it needed to be touched by God and transformed to be useful. Likewise, when we allow God to touch and transform what we have, it becomes more than enough. We often underestimate the power of what we possess, but when we place it in God's hands, it becomes extraordinary.


God doesn't require us to possess extraordinary abilities to do His work. In reality, we already have everything we need; we just need to let God touch and use it. Like Moses' staff, our gifts and talents become instruments of God's power when we make ourselves available to Him. So, I ask you today, "What do you have in your hand?" Has God touched it? Let us surrender ourselves and our gifts to God, and watch as He transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.

In conclusion, let us remember that God can take what seems insignificant and turn it into a powerful tool for His purposes. We don't need to focus on what we lack; instead, we should focus on what we already have and make it available to God. When we surrender ourselves and our gifts to Him, He will work through us in ways we never thought possible. So, I encourage you today to ask yourself, "What do I have in my hand?" And then, let God touch it and use it for His glory.

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1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ___________ adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet odio sem, sed porttitor neque elementum at. Vestibulum sodales quam dui, quis faucibus lorem gravida vel. Nam ac ______ mi. Sed vehicula interdum tortor eu sodales. Integer in nunc non libero bibendum sodales quis vitae enim. Sed congue et erat ut maximus. Proin sit amet erat a massa dignissim _________ quis at lorem.

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