
Summary: No matter what your circumstances, Jesus cares about you and has the power to transform your life in an abundant fashion if you will allow Him

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Series: It Took a Miracle

Transforming Power of Jesus 7/6/97a BBC

John 2:1-11

Our Lord Jesus was a master teacher. His teaching methods focused around parables or stories about very common things in order to teach profound truths. How many lives have been touched by his parable of the prodigal/wayward son which He used to teach the truth of the unconditional love of the Heavenly Father or the parable of the tiny mustard seed to teach the power of faith? His disciple, John, learned well from the Master. Throughout His entire gospel John used word pictures to learn truths about Jesus Christ. It was from the Gospel of John that we hear Jesus desribed as the Word of God, and the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, and the living water, and the bread of life to mention just a few. Not only did John use word pictures to point people to the Diving Son of God, but he also used actual stories in Jesus’ life to teach specific truths about Jesus Christ. Although John witnessed Jesus perfume hundreds of miracles in His brief ministry, Joh chose seven specific miracles to teach specific truths about the Son of God.

Over the next few weeks we will examine each of these recorded miracles that we may have a deeper understanding of Jesus from the perspective of probably His best friend on earth, the apostle John.

We begin today by studying the first recorded miracle of Jesus, the miracleof Jesus turning water into wine. As compared to many of Jesus’ other miracles this one in all reality seemed quite insignificant and the question must be asked why did John record first among the seven? This miracle establishes at least three of the most basic but yet most profound aspects of the person and ministry of Jesus Christ. Until a person understands these truths about Jesus, then all others would seem meaningless.

Let us examine these Three Basic Truths taught by the miracle of the “Water and the Wine.”


As we read, we find this miracle took place in the context of a Jewish wedding in Cana, a tiny town in Galilee. Now, you may think we have weddings in America, but in first century Jewish culture they really had weddings. As a matter of fact it has been found that some weddings have actually lasted from one to two weeks. Can you imagine that stress on your nerves? Weddings were major events and carried heavy implications. Invited guests were expected to bring gifts for the couple and those putting on the wedding were expected to furnish a good time. Failure to meet these obligations were not only a great embarrassment to the family, but also it has been found that since wedding were thought to be a reciprocal affair, the failure to produce the goods, if you please, may even place a party into a legal battle. It is obvious they were serous about their weddings.

This is where Jesus comes in. He and His disciples were invited to a wedding probably because Mary, Jesus’ mother, was close to the family putting on the wedding. After arriving the most dreaded thing of all things happened, the host ran out of wine, a staple at Eastern weddings. Now this was not like running out of punch and having to run to Publix for a few more cans of High C. They had a real situation on their hands. Mary understanding the severity of the problem went straight to Jesus, her oldest son, to help with the situation. Whether she wanted Him to perform a miracle or just help out is not indicated in the text. Yet, she did trust that Jesus could somehow relieve the situation. Then a very interesting discourse took place. After Mary had asked Jesus for help, He appeared to be rude to her in refusing. The term He called her was not a demeaning term as it would appear in our culture, but simply a title. We must though understand that Jesus was not working according the will of His mother or even His own will, but the will of His Father in heaven. This is why He said that His time had not come yet. Apparently the Father had not revealed to Him that He was to reveal Himself in a miraculous way. But Mary was persistant and turned the situation from her desire to His desire as she told the servants to do as He said. When this occurred apparently Jeus with great concern for the needs of the hosts, He felt a peace from the Heavenly Father to involve Himself in the situation.

a. Jesus has compassion for our every need

b. Jesus places our needs above His needs

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