Training And Discipline Series
Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: One thing that has been an arduous task for me is in disciplining these kids who have been used to an easy-go life and loitering the streets the whole day; they find it tedious to be confined in one place.
1 Corinthians 9:25 “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.”
Someone said: Training and Discipline is what modern believers need the most but want the least! Children from the age group of two to fifteen come to our ‘Abide Angel Home’, some boys work as garbage cleaners in colonies early in the morning and then attend our school. One thing that has been an arduous task for me is in disciplining these kids who have been used to an easy-go life and loitering the streets the whole day; they find it tedious to be confined in one place. Even two-year-olds throw tantrums and refuse to listen; I train them in the area of obedience, discipline, cleanliness; children are also taught not to waste food nor spill them on the ground. It took me just few days to teach a little baby girl about toilet habits and cleaning her nose, now she is great with a little handkerchief stuffed inside her pocket. We have a mixed crowd of children who live with single parents, full orphans, children living with alcoholic parents and so on; hence they are unruly, noisy and rebellious, but just a month or so of training in the school prunes them to perfection. At times, I just make them sit in silence for some time which teaches them to control themselves at a tender age. "The fruit of the Spirit is self-control" (Gal.5:22,23).
Click weblink http://www.worshipjesusministriestrust.com/ministries.php
to take a quick snapshot of our latest projects: Christmas celebrations at Shiloh Revival Church, Abide Angel Home kids, School kids as well as my family. I have explicitly explained about each project in our website, you can take a look.
An unruly and disorderly life has been the current way of life! People work during the nights and sleep during the day. We work on Sundays and sleep on Mondays. Ah, I can hear the devil guffaw at this! Our girls are raising slogans for ‘freedom of night!’ I wonder for what!!!!! The Bible says ‘ the terror of the night’ in Psalm 91:5 and also we are advised to ‘flee from evil’. If I write an article on this to the newspapers, I know it would be dumped and drowned but voices of aggression would be widely publicized. The aftermath of negativity and belligerence would be only chaos! Let us think of raising obedient, God-fearing, disciplined kids who would be a sweet-smelling rose in the society! Stop rushing and running for a CBSE school or International school, look for a good church and attend, in order to save you and your family! Are you listening? Choice is yours! You can either make your children run behind Katrina Kaif and Khan and get destroyed or train them to run behind Jesus and respect His values.
Bring a Christian is not about holding a church-membership and wearing a cute cross around your neck, it is about carrying the cross and following Him on a daily basis. Are you listening to me? You need to learn to say a firm ‘NO’ to temptations, ungodliness, laziness, procrastination, unrighteousness, dishonesty and remove the phrases: ‘I couldn’t help it’ or ‘I was forced to do it’ or ‘there was no other way out.’ Dig your heels deep and stay firm!
Train yourself to:
Wake up early
Sleep early
Avoid unnecessary social networking that consumes your time
Not overeat
Speak less and pray more
Have patience and control anger
Fear less and trust more in Him
Read His Word and fast
1 Timothy 4:8 “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”
Why not spread this fragrance far and wide?