
Summary: Principles to overcome various limitations in life


Bishop Dr. David Ibeleme

Touching Heaven

- Making contact with heaven

- Receiving heavenly impartation

- Touching God’s heart

Why must we touch heaven?

• We are heavenly citizens – Eph.1:3-6; 2:6 – however, we are ambassadors on the earth.

• Our father dwells geographically in heaven – Matt. 6; Jn. 16:23ff

• The devil is the god of this world system - 2 Cor. 4:4 – contamination of things on earth.

• Heaven is the seat of God’s will. Jesus’ prayer pattern – Matt. 6:6ff

• Heaven represents a realm of superiority over the earth (supernatural realm). Hence nothing on earth can hinder heaven.

• Heaven indicates creativity – Jn. 15:7 – realm of possibility.

How do we touch heaven?

 Prayer: Personal – closet (Jn. 10:9; Matt. 6)

Public – united prayer

Praying in the Spirit – 1 Cor. 14:2

The Secret Place of Power

Communication with your base/headquarters

Enhancing our fellowship with God

Connecting with God’s will - establishing His kingdom on the earth.

Tool to change things on earth.

 Faith – touch of faith – Mk. 5:25ff

You cannot touch heaven with unbelief and doubt. Heb. 11:6

 Praise & Worship – Ps. 100:1; Rev. 4

Thanksgiving – Jn. 10:41; Phil. 4:6-7

 Holiness – Ps. 24; Heb. 12:14

 Yielding to the Holy Spirit (obedience to God’s Word – objective and subjective) – Jn. 10:27; Duet. 28

 Giving (Tithes & Offerings) – Mal. 3:7ff; Ex. 25/35

 Unity – Ps. 103:1-3; Matt. 18:19-20; Acts 4:23ff; 2 Chron. 5:11ff


We are in warfare – Eph. 6:12; 1 Tim. 6:12; 2 Cor. 10:3-6.

Enemies – our enemies are primarily spiritual and secondarily natural – Jn. 10; Eze. 28.

Battleground is our mind – Rom. 12; 2 Cor. 10:3-5.

1. Unrenewed mind – Pr. 23:7; Rom. 12:1-2.

2. Fear (Doubt and unbelief) – 1 Sam. 17; Num. 13/14.

Fear only has three things to offer us: bondage, oppression, torment – Rom. 8:15-16; Is. 54:14; 1 Jn. 4:18.

Goliath and Amalekites – Giants

More that the size of the giants, the fear of God’s people was their deterrent.

3. Giants of the flesh – 1 Jn. 2:15-17; Gen. 3

- Lust of the flesh

- Lust of the eyes

- Pride of life

4. Lack of spiritual insight/fortitude

- Insensitivity of heart (poor perception)

- No zeal (spiritual apathy)

David – “Is there not a cause” – Kingdom mentality/addiction

5. The Spirit of Offence – Matt. 16:23; Mk. 4:17ff

- Apply 490+ principle

6. Giant of Lack and Want – Ecc. 9


1. Consciousness of God’s Mercy – Ps. 103:1-3

We are who we are by His grace – 1 Cor. 15:10 i.e. we need the ability/power to conquer the giants.

2. The three (3) keys of Rev. 12

a. The blood of the Lamb – it is sprinkled in Heaven (access to touch heaven)

b. The Word of our testimony – Matt. 16

c. Loving not our lives unto death

- Being totally committed or sold out to God.

- Laying down your life for a miracle.

- Giving sacrificially

Once you slay a giant you lift up a standard for people to do the same e.g.

5 stones = 5 giants: David slew 1 giant (Goliath)

David’s men slew the remaining 4 giants – 2 Sam. 21:15-22.

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