
Summary: Life is tough, somehow it never turns out the way the movie pictures it, be wise and smart. The agenda of the enemy is to stop growth, multiplication and progress.

Took Sarah……

Genesis 20:2”…..Abimelech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah.”

“The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10). Life is tough, somehow it never turns out the way the movie pictures it, be wise and smart. The agenda of the enemy is to stop growth, multiplication and progress, listen to me very carefully today, it is 11.30 pm as I type this during my night-prayer. It’s got stuff that would speak to you, especially people going through spiritual warfare and attacks need to hear this, in the quietness of the night, the Spirit of God is leading me to write this devotion.

Abimelech came into the life of Abraham and Sarah at a very crucial period of their life when they were in the brink of their miracle, are you listening? Abraham was 99 years old (read Genesis 17:1)the enemy knew that he had to do something very fast to stop “ISAAC” so he kidnapped Sarah, separated Abraham from his wife, provoked Abraham to speak a lie that his wife is his sister, thereby making him feel guilty and was planning to take Sarah as his wife. What a disaster! Did you see that? Imagine the fear, agony, emotional turmoil and anguish that both Abraham and Sarah would have faced! God was watching the entire drama! Give a shout of praise! God dashed into the dream of Abimelech and warned him that Sarah was a married woman and said “restore the man's wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you will live..” Look at that! When Abraham and Sarah felt defenseless and clueless in a strange place, God protected them. Are you listening? Next, “God who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”(Philippians 1:6) Amen.

Chapter 20 opens with God showing up to Sarah and Sarah conceived and bore a son(Isaac) to Abraham in his old age, at the appointed time of which God had spoken to him. Did you hear that? Hurray! Now let us quickly see the lessons that we need to know:

• Have spiritual discernment while waiting for a miracle, the enemy would be plotting to smash it, never take it light – pray hard.

• When the warfare is severe and you feel intimidated and daunted, now is the time to fast and pray – don’t run to the phone, run to God.

• Before great miracles can happen, great opposition comes your way – overcome it!

God bless you!


It is just not enough that you print pamphlets, make elaborate plans and arrangements for the upcoming project that you have painstakingly prayed and waited for, you got to actually anticipate the attacks and be prepared for it. I remember initially when I used to travel regularly on ministry speaking engagements, I would leave important stuff behind and thereby my whole plans would be destroyed, the angst and torment I went through were enormous; God mercifully helped me though. Slowly I began to understand the hands of the enemy behind everything and so I would be ‘extremely cautious’ about everything. The Sunday school teacher who joins the church also should be thoroughly ‘weighed’, sometimes when your mind is very disturbed about someone or something, then it is time you gave attention to that and immediately take a decision. Sometimes the enemy may provoke you to get angry, the wise thing to do is leave that place or stay quiet and calm. Parking space arguments can also lead to disastrous consequences, beware!

Philippians 1:9-10

“And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ..”

We have great lessons to learn from Nehemiah, when Sanballat heard that they were rebuilding the wall, he became furious and very angry and mocked the Jews. When the enemies were conspiring together to stop the work of God by harassing Nehemiah and his team, look what they did: Nehemiah 4:9”But we prayed to our God, and because of them we set up a guard against them day and night.” Amen. Don’t expect everything to be hunky-dory when you arise to be a blessing, attacks will come – face it wisely and prayerfully.

B. When the warfare is severe!

You know what, when storm breaks out as you prepare to start a work/project, then be assured God is in it, anybody there? Some people expect ‘cute’ beginnings; however, some begin in storm but God would see you through till the end – if you don’t give up. The birth of ABIDE ANGEL HOME , free hostel for the poor and underprivileged children, was very tough with terrible hindrances; however, I stood firm like steel and made it happen. The sailing may not always be smooth and cool; nevertheless, you need grit and determination to stick on to the vision God had given you. Nehemiah focused on the vision of God and hence he was able to discern and move forward.

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