
Summary: A lesson designed to show what one must do to be victorious in the Lord.


Joshua 5:13-6:21

INTRODUCTION: Many of the present generation may not remember that Sergeant Alvin York, a native Tennessean, was the most famous soldier of World War I. Neither do they realize that Alvin C. York was a most unlikely man to become a legendary hero. York felt that his Christian faith barred him from killing anyone, even in war. After being drafted, York went home on a ten-day leave and considered the scriptures a Christian captain had shared with him. Finally in a crisis of faith, God showed York that he could obey God and defend the helpless in Europe at the same time. He wrote, "As I prayed there alone… I knew that He was there. He understood I didn’t want to be a fighter or a killing man… He took pity on me and gave me the assurance I needed… It was His will and that was enough for me." Sgt. York had to win the war in his mind before he could win the battles that lay ahead of him in the trenches of France and so it was with Joshua. The story of the battle of Jericho is one we know well, it was the first victory the Israelites enjoyed as they set out to take the Promised Land. This morning I have prepared two lessons for us to consider.

{To gain the victory we seek we must…}


A. Like any good commander, Joshua has been out surveying the battlefield and his troops. He is preparing himself for the struggle that lies ahead when something unexpected happens. READ 5:13-15

Exodus 14:14, "The LORD will fight for you"

Luke 11:23

Revelation 3:15,16

{To gain the victory we seek we must…}


A. This battle was unusual, to say the least. In fact, to be more precise, it was unheard of. How in the world could a band of wandering sheepherders expect to defeat such a massive fortified city like Jericho by simply walking around a bunch of times over a seven day period? Surely this must have seemed ludicrous.

1. Notice that no one complained – may be making more of silence here that is given, but usually the Bible records dissension. The people readily accepted that what God had planned would work, or at least they knew that if they did what God said it would all work out.

2. Observations – all the people marched, 7 days with 7 encirclings of the city of the seventh day, 7 priests with 7 rams horns – Divine number four times m ay mean one each for the members of the Godhead and one for His obedient people.

3. Isa 55:8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.

4. Pr 16:25 There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.

5. Matthew 7:13,14


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