
Summary: Struggling with sin.

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To Do Or Not To Do, That Is The Question

Just before Ted Bundy was executed for t/murder of dozens of women, James Dobson, of Focus on the Family interviewed him.

In the interview he expressed both sorrow and repentance. Now was it a "Death-bed confession"? We will really never know.

Most of the time, that is the reaction of a condemned criminal, because they come to terms with their own mortality, reflect a wasted life.

Several years ago I watched in disbelief as a condemned murderer was interviewed. There was no remorse, in fact when asked t/question, what would you do if you could do things differently?

He replied rather matter-a-factly, "If I could, I would do it again."

His lack of conscious is very difficult for me to understand.

How someone can be so hard-hearted as to not feel the hurt of another human being, whether it was physical or emotional pain.

My high school Y. G. was large & close. We did everything together.

David Moore was a part of our Y.G., but because he was different than "the average bear", he was picked on and made fun of at times.

With time and maturity, I felt bad for my actions, so I apologized and asked his Forgiveness. I received it and treated him differently.

I Did Something I Wish I Didn’t Do. I still feel t/remorse of my actions.

During our first full-time ministry Kim & I were close to a middle-age couple. They were both career-minded & never had children.

We won a bowling tournament with them one summer, they were excellent bowlers, Kim & I had a very large handicap.

They even came to visit us in Tampa after we changed ministries.

When we went to see them t/next time we went to WI. we learned from their neighbors that they had divorced shortly after our last visit.

I still wonder if Kim or I could have done something that would have made the difference and spared their marriage.

I Didn’t Do Something I Wish I Had Done.

I didn’t murder anyone, yet these actions have brought feeling of guilt.

And I know I’m not the only one who feels this way.

Maybe you too?

Maybe you say something, & IMMEDIATELY when it bursts forth from your lips, you wish you could take it back. Know it wrong.

The town gossip finally came under conviction. Going to a counselor, she asked how she could make things right, "What should I do?"

He told her to take a feather & place it on the doorstep of everyone who she had hurt by her careless words, then come & meet him again.

She did this. Returning to the counselor she asked "what do I do next"?

He said, now go & gather t/feathers.

POINT - What’s done is done.

You may be like me, in that some of your past actions, thoughts, feelings and memories bring remorse & make you feel bad. When we get bogged down with them, they can hamper our growth in Christ.

It’s like a runner in a race, who constantly looks over his shoulder at his competition. If he does this, he can’t see the goal & loses ground.

Look with me at t/7th & 8th chpts of t/book of Romans. This book gives us 2 types of encouragement when we begin to feel unworthy of Christ’s love, because of our past deeds.

It’s good to know that:

We Are Not The Only Ones & We Have Someone To Help Us.

With past and present struggles; not to mention what will happen in the Future; we can be left feeling defeated, and cry out:

Who will save me from myself and my sinful ways?

We need an answer to this all important question. But first background:

As a missionary, Paul wanted to go everywhere to spread the gospel. He hadn’t been to Rome yet, so he wanted to go there. When he wrote this letter to the Romans Christians, it may seem less personal than his other letters, but it’s just because he hasn’t yet met them.

In writing Romans, Paul is preparing t/Roman Christian for his coming. Some commentators believe one reason he sought their favor, was so that he could use Rome as a base for missionary work in Spain.

Nevertheless, Paul stresses the fundamentals of the Gospel, while he uses himself as an example of one who struggles with obedience.

Please note, that throughout Romans, Paul uses the present tense, meaning that he is presently, still struggling with sin himself.


I’m only speaking for myself, but when I think of giants of obedience & faith, I think of Paul. He is a great example of a true Disciple.

Yet, at the same time, Paul is saying he is just like me, in his struggles.

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