To Be Or Not To Be A Disciple Series
Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: exposition on Matt ch 10
Matthew 10 v. 1 - 23
Notice :-
1.The Requirements for disciples v. 1 "when he had called unto him his twelve disciples."
Each one was:-
(a) Called e.g. Peter, James, John, Matthew.
(b) Chosen:- prayerfully Luke 6 v. 12 "after a night of prayer", purposely( chosen for training.),and practically( chosen to be sent.) - apostles - sent one
(c) Conditioned v. 1 "he gave them power"
(d) and Commissioned v. 1 to cast out demons, v. 1 to heal sicknesses, v. 7 and to preach the gospel
2. The Record of the disciples v. 2 - 4,
Peter was impulsive but became a rock,
Andrew was inquisitive but he brought Peter to Jesus,
John was the beloved disciple who returned to the cross, John 19 v. 26 & 27,
James was John’s older brother the first martyred apostle,
Philip brought Nathaniel to Christ,
Bartholomew i.e. Nathaniel was "an Israelite indeed",
Matthew (the publican),
Thomas - the doubter, who later believed, and confessed "my Lord and my God",
James (the less) or smaller,
Simon the zealot - a right winger,
Judas Iscariot, "who also betrayed Him"
3.The Restriction for the disciples v. 5 "go not into the way of the Gentiles." v. 6 but "go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." :-
go where? - Israel, go when? - now, go why? - v. 7
(1) to proclaim the message "kingdom of Heaven"
(2) to perform the miraculous v. 8, heal the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the dead, cast out demons.
(3) to prepare the multitudes v. 8 freely ye have received therefore freely give
(4) to prove the means,
God would provide material things, and spiritual things v. 9 -13,
4.The Rejection of the disciples v. 14 "shake off the dust of your feet."
(a) Their rejection was to be expected v. 14
(b) so Their rejection was explained v. 25 " if they have called me devil" - rejected me - they will reject you
(c) and Their rejection would be experienced v. 16 - 23.
They would be Rejected by:-
(1) Religious people v. 17 "scourged in the synagogues"
(2) Rulers v. 18 i.e. " before governors and kings "
(3) and by their own Relatives v. 21. Note: -
The reality of this division -" brother against brother to death,"
The rage of it -"and the father the child,"
The rebellion of it - "children shall rise up against the parents,"
The root of it - sin John 3 v. 19 "This is the condemnation, men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
(4) The Rebellious v. 23 "of all men for my name’s sake"
(d) Their rejection was to be exposed v. 14 "shake off the dust from off thy feet"
(e) Their rejection was to be expunged v. 15
"it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom." Note:-
(1) The certainity of judgement v. 15 "verily I say unto you,"
(2) The Variety in judgement "it shall be more tolerable "
(3) The Severity of judgement "for Sodom" - Sodom had no Bible
(4) The finality of judgement - "in the day of judgement"