Contributed by Darrin Fish on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: A look at our call to give God what He deserves
I remember years ago one of my children coming up to me and saying Dad, if you give me a dollar, I’ll go to bed without a problem."
My response was I’m sorry but I don’t think it works that way."
• It starts young. People and money, there’s just something about it.
We are going to spend one Sunday talking about the topic "You, your money, and God."
Mal 3:6-12
That’s what I want to look at today We refer to it as tithes and offering.
• Now tithe is an Old Testament word and it meant to give 10% of what you have to God.
• An offering is usually defined as above and beyond a tithe.
So we are going to talk about giving to God.
• Now I were to ask you if you believed it was important and scriptural to tithe,
• to give generously to the Lord,
• just about every hand here would go up
• But when it comes to doing it that’s another story.
A lot of times we can be reluctant when it comes to giving,
• We can also be reluctant when it comes to listening to a sermon on giving.
• But let me start by giving you four reasons
• Why I think we need to spend a little time talking about this today
• And why we need to understand why it’s so important.
#1 We don’t preach on it very often.
• It’s not wrong to preach about it, --------but we just don’t do it.
• I’ve been here a little over a year and this is the first sermon I have preached on money or giving.
• Over the last 60 + sermons this is the first one.
• So if you’re visiting with us today and think,
• Oh no, here we go again, a church asking for money,
• Realize that since I’ve been here this is the first time we’ve preached on money.
• We don’t preach on it very often.
#2 – Second reason we need to preach on it is because it’s Biblical
• The statement has been made in regards to preaching and in regards to the preacher,
• That I wish he’d just shut up and quit preaching about giving and get back to preaching on the gospel.
• The truth is that you can’t preach on the gospel and not preach on giving.
• Jesus saw fit to include it in the majority of His teaching.
• In fact there are 39 parables in the gospels.
• Of those 39, over half of them deal with greed, generosity or giving.
• Finance, money, generosity, and greed are mentioned over 2000 times in the Bible.
• That’s enough by far to make it Biblical.
#3 Reason that we need to talk about this subject is because of our culture
• Money magazine says not only do we consume more than any culture before us,
• We also pursue money like no other culture.
• Money has become the number one obsession for Americans,
• We want money and we want the stuff that money buys.
• Whether or not it serves any purpose at all seems irrelevant.
" What are we living for? We live To consume.
• 88% of the population has more debts than assets
• Money is the main factor in 90% of divorces
• The avg. family in America carries nearly $8,000 in credit card debt.
• Only 2% of the people in America - When they reach 65 are financially stable –
• Only 2% need no additional income –2%.
All of this speaks to the need our society has in dealing with finances and greed and giving.
#4 Not only is it needed in our culture but it’s needed in our churches.
• I saw a cartoon once that showed a man hiding under the pew bench at church and his wife saying, you can come out now dear, the offering is over.
That’s what many people feel like doing
• Even those who have been Christians for years.
• A study of people over the age of 30 shows that even though
• Their income after taxes and inflation, increased 31% in the last 17 years,
• Giving has gone down 8.5% over the same period of time.
• We have more than we have ever had and we give less than we have ever given.
Now I want to emphasize that I don’t know how much you give.
• The Elders don’t know. We don’t want to know.
• The only person that knows is the treasurer and that’s because someone has to fill out the deposit slip.
• So it all comes down to the fact that it’s between you and God