
Thriving Spiritually in a Secular World

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Is it possible to live a godly life in the evil world where God has no place?

Living a Godly Life in a Godless World


In today's world, it is becoming increasingly difficult to live a godly life. The influence of God and His teachings is being pushed aside, and immorality and corruption are becoming the norm. Many people are afraid to live according to God's standards and have instead embraced a sinful way of life. However, it is still possible to live a godly life in this evil world, even though it may seem challenging.

Examples from the Bible

The Bible provides us with examples of individuals who lived godly lives in the midst of an evil society. Two such examples are Noah and Daniel.

a. Noah:

Noah lived during a time when wickedness was rampant, and God decided to destroy the world through a flood. However, Noah found favor in God's eyes because he was righteous and blameless. He walked faithfully with God and obeyed His commands. Noah's faithfulness to God allowed him to live a godly life even when the world around him was corrupt.

b. Daniel:

Daniel was taken captive by the Babylonians and faced pressure to conform to their ungodly ways. However, he resolved not to defile himself with their food and wine, which were offered to idols. Daniel's commitment to God and his refusal to compromise allowed him to live a godly life even in a hostile environment.

Principles for living a godly life

Based on these examples, we can derive several principles for living a godly life in today's godless world.

a. Prayerfulness:

We need to pray daily for God's protection against the evil influences around us. Jesus taught His disciples to pray for deliverance from the evil one, and He Himself prayed for His followers' protection.

b. God's Word (Bible):

The Bible is our guide for living a godly life. It helps us understand God's will and teaches us what is pleasing to Him. We should meditate on God's Word day and night, allowing it to shape our thoughts and actions.

c. Beware of the world's influence:

We must be cautious not to conform to the ways of the world. Instead, we should allow God to transform our minds and renew our thinking. We should not let the world squeeze us into its mold but strive to live according to God's standards.

d. Set boundaries with ungodly influences:

While we can have relationships with unbelievers, we need to draw a line and not be influenced by their ungodly behavior. We are called to be separate from the world and its sinful practices.

e. Shine your light:

As Christians, we are called to be the light of the world. We should let our good deeds and godly character shine before others, so they may see our lives and glorify God.

f. Be prepared for opposition:

Living a godly life may result in persecution or ridicule from the world. However, we should be willing to pay the price for following Christ and not be overcome by evil. Instead, we should overcome evil with good.

g. Overcome evil with good:

Our response to evil should be to continue doing good. By doing so, we can make a positive impact on the world around us.


Living a godly life in a godless world may seem challenging, but it is possible. The grace of God empowers us to say no to ungodliness and live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives. We are called to be a people eager to do what is good, as we wait for the blessed hope of Jesus' return. May God bless us as we strive to live godly lives in this present age. Amen.

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