
Summary: Will these testimonies indict or inspire you?

Proposition: You MUST judge the evidence!

Deuteronomy 17:6 and refer to Matthew 18:16

Prophecy is the greatest evidence of the truth of the Bible!

I. First testimony: the prophet Daniel! Daniel 9:24-27

A. The time of the Messiah! 24-26

B. The mission of the Messiah! 26,27

II. Second testimony: Christ Himself! John 8:12-19

A. His life – John 10:37,38

B. His prophecy – Matthew 24:5

III. Third testimony: the Apostle Paul! II Timothy 3:1-5

A. His prophecy of blasphemy! 3:2

B. His prophecy of counterfeits! 3:5

You are on trial for your life! By two or three witnesses a man may be put to death under Jewish law. By these three witnesses will your soul be condemned! You will have no excuse! If you reject their testimony you fulfill another prophecy; II Corinthians 4:3,4

If you are saved, then you can lose crowns by these testimonies. They should convict you of your responsibility to witness for Him! This evidence is given for your use as well as your assurance!

Scripture Reading: I John 5:9-11

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